Well-house Meadow wildflower project.

Wellhouse-Meadow-annualsThe area that has been prepared for the wildflower project is looking in very good shape (nearly everything dead, soil warm and damp) ready for seeding on Monday of next week. Rather than rotovate the soil the District Ecology Officer has advised that it would be better if it was lightly raked.  This is therefore a request for as many people as possible to come and lend a hand either on Sunday afternoon – 29th September – at 3pm, or on Monday 30th at 1.30pm.  If you are able to come just bring yourself and a rake, even better bring a friend and two rakes.   With lots of us the job will be done in no time.   The picture shows the annual wildflowers sown on the bonfire site which made a wonderful display this summer (click on it).
Many thanks
Rebecca Ridley 870109

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