Minutes of Parish Council meeting 8th July


Minutes of meeting held on Monday July 8th 2013

Present –Tony Adcock, Bob Branch, Trina Backhurst, Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, , John Offord, Rebecca Ridley, Ron van der Hoorn and Robin Page

    There were no members of the public present

1          Apologies for absence – Christine Kipping,  and Sebastian Kindersley

2        Open Forum – None

3        Minutes of meeting held on May 13th were agreed and signed with two amendments – item 7, 2nd paragraph footpath changed to cycle path, and item 10 paragraph B Treasurer TB        

4        Matters to be reported from these minutes – trees etc around 12 High St – report awaited

The poppy seed in the Glebe has been sown. 

Green wheelie bin requested for village green cuttings – no reply

Income from Solar Panels – should be received shortly

Slide should be repaired on Wednesday 10th

Update on Cycle Way – Grantchester PC are supportive. Two routes into Grantchester are under discussion coming into a) Burnt Close and b) Cantelupe Farm Drive. CCC and SCDC councillors are supportive of the scheme. Following discussions with CCC a diversion around the Copse would be too costly and require a lot of maintenance

Footpath Inspections – reply from Peter Gaskin

              Bridleway 2    Cantelupe Farm Road  –  Tree had been removed – report closed

              Footpath 8  Church Way – request for HPC to do some work

Footpath 9  School Lane/Back Lane– No dead trees found.  The low level overhanging branches will lift once out of leaf and could wait another year before cutting

              Byway 12 and Bridleway 14  Porkers Lane–River Lane-Harston –  Direction signs not thought to be an issue.  Contractor requested to quote for clearing the sides

Trees etc in Wellhouse Meadow to be inspected by Sam with RR

Verges in Trinity Close to Cantelupe Rd,Wisbey’s Yard, Chestnut Close and the area around the pump at the top of New Road  have not been cut

      6     Planning –

             Permission given by SCDC  for front, side and rear extensions to 22 Barton Road

             And retrospective permission for installation of 16 free standing panels at 29 High St

             Permission given on appeal for erection of a Pool House at 21 Church Street

             Permission refused for claim for costs incurred

7        Additional Matters for discussion

Street lighting up times to be checked on – more information required eg number on lamp post of the lights coming on too soon.

The cycle barrier in Butler Way has been damaged again, and has been reported to Highways.  Various alternatives were suggested and will be put to CCC.  Possibly a strong bollard could be placed in front of the barrier.

It was agreed to increase the fuel payment to Roy Brown for the grass cutting he carries out.

QE11 Dedication of Haslingfield Recreation Ground – the agreement has finally been received.  It was decided that it should be signed by the Chairman and the Vice Chairman with the Clerk as a witness.  An Energy Safety Day is to be held in the Village Hall on November 9th, there will be various speakers and companies present, and a Thermal Energy Camera will be available for use.  The launch of the ’Green Deal’  will take place.

An accident was reported outside No 1 Broad Lane.  A cyclist narrowly missed a young child as a result having braked he went over the handlebars and suffered a broken rib and other injuries.  The hedge on the corner is to be removed and replaced with two fencing panels to improve visibility.

Articles for the next Newsletter to come from RB, RR, RvdH

The trees on Barton Rd which are interfering with telephone reception are to be inspected by the tree officer.

8      County Councillors Report – None


9      District Councillors Report – RP is disappointed with the decision on the Pool House at 21      Church St.  He urged people to attend the Local Plan Exhibition which is touring the villages starting on 15th July.  The cabinet portfolio holders at SCDC are making their own decisions, both he and SK are pushing for the Committee system to be brought back.  RP and seven others are non political on SDC.  RP has no enthusiasm for the proposed development site at Bourne Airfield.  It will affect Bourne Valley drainage, particularly the north edge of Haslingfield, Harlton and Eversden.  He will be asking if an environmental  impact assessment survey has been carried out.  He is also concerned that Haslingfield and other villages will become a rat run from Bourne to Cambridge.  The ex Bayer site at Hauxton is still being discussed as a potential building site.  The Stadium site at Trumpington Meadows is still not dead with an appeal expected from the developers.  RP is not impressed with the development at TM following a recent visit. Poor housing quality and  cars were parked all over the place and people are complaining about it.

      10   Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment – following a meeting with Rob Mungovan (Ecology Officer) from SCDC it will be necessary to cut down to fence height 8 newly planted trees in Wellhouse Meadow which are diseased.  Other hedges also need attention.  Quotes for the work are to be obtained – RR

The ivy on the WHM wall has regrown and a working party will be formed to cut this down in the autumn. Rubbish is being disposed off in WHM and adjoining householders are to be written to

 B – Village Hall – authorisation of Alan Stevens time sheet

C- Allotments – one plot is to become vacant.  Risk assessments have been carried and a copy given to the Clerk.  The current bank balance is £1,170.99

D – Trumpington Meadows  – not a lot has changed.  The catering facilities in the community

       area at the new school will be one small kitchen for making tea and coffee etc.  If the large

       kitchen is required a member of the school staff will need to be present and to be paid for.

E – Play Area – RoSPA report received – 3 small problems identified at the Skate park which

Roy has dealt with.  There is movement in the wet pour areas in the play area and the Clerk has asked Playground services to give a quote for attending to these when they repair the slide.

F – Website – discussion at the recent meeting was mainly about advertising on the web,  It was

       decided to have a special meeting between the website committee, C&V committee and HPC

       to decide the way forward.

G – Road Safety – still awaiting go ahead from CCC.  New staff in place which is causing the


11  Correspondence  –     Publicity for Local Plan Exhibitions.  Posters to be displayed

    Letter from Joan Hendry complaining about the standard of grass cutting and requesting wire

    mesh to be put down on the bridge on footpath 5. – CCC to be contacted

    Exhibition of proposed extension to Fawcett Primary School in Trumpington on July 11th 

    3-5pm and 6-7pm at the school

12    Name of Village Hall/Centre –   in future this will be known as the Village Hall proposed RR seconded TB carried nem con

13    Community Governance Review – meetings to commence immediately.  A working party to be

 set up – REB to take the lead, JJ and the Clerk, and John Wheelhouse.  A date to be arranged for  

             the first meeting

14     Trumpington Meadows Community Access Principles Agreement –  decision to sign deferred until the next meeting.  RB to obtain further information from SCDC.

15    Police Traffic Surveys – the equipment is available.  The best time to carry out the surveys will be in September once the schools have reopened.  The cost for 7 days each for surveys on Barton Road, Harston Road and Chapel Hill will be £600.  Traffic travelling in both directions will be surveyed (counting and speed check)and a report will be sent to HPC.  The cost was approved nem con.

16    Finance – Wayleave payment received for Poles on Chapel Hill ££49.15

  Date of next meeting Monday August 12th at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall

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