Nora and Old Haslingfield

Nora’s recollections include glimpses of old Haslingfield now lost. Before Broad Lane was built in the 1950s, there was a cart track that was impassable during the winter. On the left stood a meadow filled with elm trees and, in the spring, violets.It was known as The Grove, and on the right was an orchard. The footpath joining New Road, the church and the green was a popular walk, and the meadow on New Road was used for games before the recreation ground existed.

The recreation ground was a gift from Henry Badcock, a farmer on Barrington Hill, and Chivers. It was opened on April 13th, 1925 by Dr. Young, a local GP. Mr. Badcock also paid for a wooden pavilion, which stood until 1974. A cricket pitch was laid, and tennis courts and playground provided, after World War II.

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Comments (1)

  • lynda farrington (formerly Patman)


    I was born and lived until I was 14/15 years in Grove Cottage ( now has appearance of a black barn like structure but was a white cottage built from local clunch) with my Parents and Grandparents next to this meadow close to Broad Lane. An early memory is watching my Grandfather burn of straw there ( not certain but thought my family possibly rented/owned it at the time. We owned orchard to one side of it . When I was around the age of nine or ten can recall the present houses and bungalows in Broad Lane being built . I remember holding my Grandmother’s hand walking along there when very small, the hedges either side seemed to be tree height and violets and primroses abound in spring .


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