Country Kitchen open on Bank Holiday Monday

Country KitchenCountry Kitchen will be open from 9am – 12pm on Bank Holiday Monday, so do feel free to pop in for some freshly baked baguettes, sausage rolls and picnic fayre.

Just arrived in time for the good weather are Yarde Farm ice creams, which are much in demand and Patchwork Pate, with a selection of liver as well as vegetarian pates, as well as a lovely range of sauces from Stokes. It’s hard to believe that it was snowing the day before we opened and we were all shivering in the shop and trying to keep warm, but let’s hope the sunshine is here to stay!!

Country Kitchen insideHard to believe we’re coming towards the end of our 1st month. Inevitably, there’s been a steep learning curve, and we’re still busy honing our suppliers and products. Thanks for the support and feedback during our first month of trading, especially on the foods we make on-site.

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