Faith to Live by Service

Haslingfield Methodist ChurchWe are please to announce that Revd Graham Thompson, Chair of the East Anglian Methodist District will be leading our next Faith To Live By service at Haslingfield on Sunday 10th November 2013 beginning at 6.30pm.   We look forward to a really special time of fellowship.  Please join us if you can.  

Every week there are those who turn away from God because of the behaviour of those who declare themselves to be God’s disciples.  Recognising that Christianity is based on relationships, how can we improve the witness we give to our faith?  

Revd Graham Thompson will pursue this theme as part of the East Anglia District’s programme, Journey into Faith, as each of the discipleship disciplines is considered each year. 

Graham is Chair of the East Anglia District – the minister to the ministers – and has oversight of Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire on behalf of the Methodist Church

 A time of worship – An address by Graham – 

Refreshments & discussion

 Everyone Welcome


See our new church web site at:

Best wishes

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