Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 14th May 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HASLINGFIELD  PARISH  COUNCIL


Minutes of meeting held on Monday May 14th 2012


Present –Julie Coxall, Ron van der Hoorne, Lucian Hatfield, Ray Jack, Christine Kipping, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Robin Page, and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance


    There were 3 members of the public present


1         Election of Chairman – the chair for this item was taken by Wendy Timbs

John Wheelhouse was proposed by WT and seconded by JO, this carried by 7 votes with 1 abstention


2        Vacancy on the Council – it was proposed by RJ seconded by CK that the vacancy be advertised, and co-option to take place at the June meeting.  This was carried unanimously


3      Apologies for absence – Roger Scott


4      Members Declaration of Interest – None


    5      Open Forum – No points raised


6     Minutes of meeting held on April 9th were agreed and signed


7     Matters to be reported from these minutes –

Diamond Jubilee Gifts – order not complete

Fly tipping at Chapel Hill, the waste has been removed by the suspect who claimed he is a friend of the property owner.  He has been interviewed twice and there is insufficient evidence to prosecute

The builders vehicles are still parking in Knapp Rise

Request for next Scrutiny meeting to be held in the village passed to Chairman of the committee by Jean Hunter, no further response

A reply from SCDC concerning development at 15 New Road has been received.

Trumpington meadows web site is now up and running


8      Update on Trumpington Meadows – report on cycle route given by Julie Eyres.  Work should start

        on stage 1 from Haslingfield to the main road at Hauxton next month.  The route from there to

        Trumpington Meadows is still being planned.  No planning application is required, but there may

        be one for signage.  The cost will be borne by CCC.


9      Allocation of responsibilities – JW explained that he would prefer to delay allocating jobs until he

          has a chance to discuss the new councillor’s interests


10      Planning  – S/0880/12/FL – single storey and 2 Storey Extn, 10 Chestnut Close – more

    information needed

Permission given by SCDC for driveway extension, Holly Tree Cottage, 1A Butler Way: Remedial works at Haslingfield Railway Bridge: extension at 1 Butler Way

Extension at school will be considered by CCC on May 23rd

Appeal by Mrs French in respect of 6 Church Way will be heard at the beginning of June


11      Additional Matters for discussion  – Parking around the school, and yellow lines.  Following an 

  incident on 14th May when a child was almost killed, the decision and action is to be passed the CCC

        Highways.  The Headmaster is to send letter home to parents

        CCC Grass cutting has been delayed because of the rain, but should start this week.  Areas not cut by

        mid June should be advised to Kate Day.  Information to Clerk at the next Parish Council

       A visit from CCC Highways to be requested to observe all the problems in the village, potholes,  

       drains and grass cutting.

       The lamp posts around the village have still not been attended to – contact Chris Sproston at CCC

       The owner of the caravan in Back Lane to be contacted.

       Request for Wellhouse Meadow to be cut before the Jubilee celebrations.

       Haslingfield Colts to be sent a letter of congratulations on coming top of the football league


12    County Councillors Report – Superfast broadband, access is important.  Residents are to be    

      encouraged to register asap.  SCDC has a significant number of homeless families living in B & B

      accommodation due to a serious shortage of rental accommodation.  Help can be provided to find 

      private sector housing, and in some cases include financial assistance with deposits and removal  

      expenses.  The introduction of the capping of housing benefit will make the situation worse.  If you

      think you are going to experience housing or benefit problems in the future, please act now.  The

      Northstowe Development Framework and outline planning application for Phase 1 were submitted on

      the 27th February.  Discussions are taking place with the dept. of Transport for a second railway

      station in Cambridge at Chesterton.  A new busway service will be provided from Milton Rd and

      pedestrian and cycle links will be provided to existing residential areas and business parks.  The

      cycle/pedestrian path alongside the old railway bridge would only happen if the University and CCC

      saw a meaningful way of taking it forward.


13     District Councillors Report – Robin Page gave his first report the HPC and explained his connections with Haslingfield over many years.  He is honoured to have been elected.  He referred to the petition for a pedestrian cycle access alongside the old railway bridge on Barton Road, and was disappointed that land owners had not been consulted about the petition.  He felt HPC were behind in their objections to housing being built on Barrington Quarry,  (This has been investigated and the site is unsuitable for housing having 3 SSI sites and sewerage facilities are inadequate in Barrington now).  He will attend HPC meetings if he has something to report, or if asked to do so.


  14    Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment  – No meeting


B – Pavilion  – New chairs should be delivered in the middle of June total cost £3816.96.

       Contributions are as follows Tea at Ritz £1,320.52,  Village Society £250,  Little Theatre  

       £200, Section 106 £2141.48

       Work is due to commence on the solar panels at the end of June.  Paul Brammer is liaising 

       with Beelectric, the company installing them


C – Allotments – Minutes from committee meeting in Folder.  4 people are on the waiting list


D – Police Liaison Meeting – the police have no information about the recent spate of burglaries

       in Haslingfield and other parishes.  Speed traps are still being used in the village. 


     15      Correspondence – The bus service changes from June 10th will not affect Haslingfield

Request from Brian Gott on behalf of the Friends of Haslingfield Church for a grant towards the    cost of creating a wild flower garden on the Glebe Meadow, alongside the woodland by the Church.  This would be co-ordinated with Rebecca Ridley’s project.  Estimated cost is around £400 – further information required

Invitation for one representative to attend Street Lighting briefing on Wednesday June 20th at Comberton, Leisure Conference hall from 7 – 8.30pm  5,500 columns in SCAMBS are to be removed and not replaced mainly on residential roads – WT to attend

Haslingfield Colts FC – request for grant towards new goals costing £2140 £2245.  These are a requirement for the league they will be playing in next year – other charities to be consulted

Cemex will not be reopening the manufacturing capability at Barrington due to poor market conditions in the UK.  The initial phase of demolition will be commencing shortly

Flood Risk management schemes, information pack to be requested


16        Dog Fouling – several complaints about dog mess not being cleared and bags being hung on hedgerows  – Article to be inserted in C & V asking dog owners to be more vigilant.


17       Arrangements for Annual meeting on May 28th – MR and L Heazell to be asked to give    reports on the past year’s activities.  Refreshments to be organised by CK, OM and WT


18                Insurance renewal – AON insurance £2224.75, an increase of £79.86. 

Legal expenses cover has been increased to £100,000, Age limit for Personal Accident    cover increased to 85, public liability cover for hirers of the village hall increased to £2,500,000

    This was agreed


19       Finance – Presentation of Annual accounts 2011/12


New cheque signatory JW


            Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by WT seconded by JO


PWLB deduction has been made                   5,285.98

Final payment is in May 2019


Annual payment £500 has been received from N W Brown


Date of next meeting Monday June 11th 2012 at 7.30 pm in the Pavilion.




















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