More Memories of a Haslingfield Childhood

Nora Cannell didn’t have many holidays from school, so Sundays were a treasured part of her life. She would set off for Sunday School at 10, trying to remember the collect that she would have to recite. Between Sunday School and the Morning Service she would go for a walk if it was warm. If not, she huddled round the stoves in the church that are no longer there. These billowed out smoke profusely, causing much coughing and spluttering in the congregation. On one occasion the vicar set fire to himself with a pulpit candle, but he was quickly able to put it out.

Then home to lunch, and a return to church for the three o’clock service. Then more chores at the farm, and a return for evening service. The men and women sat on opposite sides of the church, with the exception of local farmers and their families. The services were a trial for young Nora, and she looked forward to visiting her Granny afterwards for boiled sweets. Nora reckoned she walked six miles to and from church in the course of the day.

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