Ash Watch: How to spot ash dieback disease

In response to the Forestry Commission announcement that Chalara ash dieback has been found in the woods and hedgerows of East Anglia, the Parish Council would encourage residents to keep a watchful eye out for the disease, which causes leaf loss and crown dieback in affected trees, and can lead to tree death. The disease is most likely to be found in newly planted young trees.

The Forestry Commission has a helpful webpage which shows confirmed infections just on the village doorstep and gives a description and advice (video and pictures) on how to look for the symptoms. The Woodland Trust also has practical advice on what you can do including vigilant inspections for browning of leaves, especially for young trees planted within the last five years considered to be most at risk.

Please report any sightings or suspected cases of the disease immediately to:

Chalara helpline:
08458 33 55 77 (open 8am – 6pm every day)
Email Forestry Commission –

The Forestry Commission has produced a video and urge anyone who believes they have the disease present to contact them without hesitation:

The have also produced a video with Simon Bateman from the Woodland Trust explaining how to check whether your local trees have been affected:


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