Haslingfield Little Theatre performed Two Coarse Plays

Last month, Haslingfield Little Theatre performed Two Coarse Plays: Southanger Park (a period romance) and Trapped (a thriller). Coarse acting is a send-up of bad amateur dramatics, when the cast “try their best” to put on a successful show – it’s just that everything keeps going wrong.

HLT became The Cullingworth Players for the evening – trying their best in very difficult circumstances. Mishaps included: Actors forgetting lines, scenery falling apart, mobile phones going off on stage and much more. The audience were also treated to a delicious two-course meal – courtesy of the Haslingfield Village Chefs.

If you didn’t manage to see these two hilarious one-act plays, do click here to see some photos. http://www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk/productions/coarseplays2011.htm

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