An Improvised Musical – Haslingfield Village Hall – 1 April

Haslingfield Little Theatre is delighted to be supporting several youth members of the drama group in a performance of their Totally Improvised Musical on Friday, 1 April at 7.30 p.m. at Haslingfield Village Hall.

This talented group, all pupils at Comberton Village College, will bring to the stage just about anything you would expect from a Broadway/West End musical: excitement, pathos, romance, comedy and drama, along with tremendous music – and it is all devised on the spot, in response to suggestions from you, the audience.

Entry will be £5, payable at the door. There will be a bar, and all proceeds will go towards funding the annual CVC exchange visit to Edendale School, near Pretoria, South Africa. Two members of the cast will be making the month-long trip in the summer, to help at the school and explore the surrounding area of South Africa. Please join us for what will undoubtedly be an action-packed, funny and entirely unique entertainment.

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