Parish Council minutes for April

Minutes of meeting held on Monday April 11th 2011


Present –Marjorie Richardson (In the chair), David Blake, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

There were no members of the public present


1   Apologies for absence – Christine Kipping, Lucian Hatfield, David Slight


2   Members Declaration of Interest – JW – Street Lighting, The Knapp

3   Open Forum – None 


4   Minutes of meeting held on March 14th were agreed and signed, prop by OM seconded by WT


5   Matters to be reported from these minutes

Footpaths at Rectory Farm, Hauxton – no more information

Yellow lines around school – Parish Council are requested to gauge local opinion of the residents affected, if there is support CCC will carry out formal consultation.  Notes to be issued to residents affected.  No more information on 15 New Road


6   Planning

S/0354/11/DOC – Condition 30 of S/0054/08/o (Construction management) Trumpington Meadows-no comment

S/0403/11 Extension and alteration to existing outbuilding, The Old Dairy, Harston Rd – recommended

S/0615/11 variation of condition of application S/2142/10 to allow a change to the design of the dwelling approved  under application S/1019/09/F, land adjacent to No 15 Back Lane-recommended

Permission granted by SCDC for the following

– Gazebo in the school grounds,

– single storey rear extension and pitch roof over existing, 1A Trinity Close,

– Extensions at 60 High St

– Replacement dwelling at Cantelupe Farm, Cantelupe Rd

– Solar Farm at Cantelupe farm, conditional on transport access to site during construction

 Permission refused for erection of dwelling at 41, Chestnut Close


7  Additional Matters for discussion

Minute books from October 1953 to 16th March 1970 and 22nd March 1976 to 5th July 1982 have been deposited with Cambridgeshire Archives.  Other books are due to be deposited.

Street Lighting currently maintained by CCC – options for the future – option 1 agreed proposed MH seconded JO

Road defects identified in new Road – to be reported to Highways

Recent Power cuts to be reported to EDF-what measure are being taken to avoid this?


8  County Councillors Report –.The guided busway is a step nearer to opening with the completion by BAM Nuttall of all their major construction work and are in the process of supplying the mandatory certificates that act as a guarantee on their works.  Once submitted this will allow the busway to be finally handed over to the Council. but defects still have to be rectified.  Parents of SEN children have received letters from CCC concerning a transport review.  Councillor Bridget Smith should be contacted if this presents any problems   CCC have reduced their budget for road safety education.  Cambridge Fire Authority is reviewing its services and is looking at restructuring and working together with other Eastern Region Fire Services.  A603 and A1198 speed reviews will be implemented soon.

Work has been approved for Barrington Quarry.  Haslingfield Road railway crossing to be gated.  Rubber padding to be installed underneath the track to reduce noise.  Predicted opening of Cambourne Village College 2012/13, plans not yet submitted.  Gamlingay Village College has been placed in ‘Special measures’ following a dreadful Ofsted inspection.  CCC have measures in place to bring standards back.


9  District Councillors Report – revised landscaping approved at Wisbey’s yard.  No 75 bus is being better used.  CCC have sent a grant application to the Government to run mini buses.

The cost of purchasing the Housing stock from the Government last year was £196m it is now £205m


10  Committee and Working party Reports

 A Environment  – Parish Rights of Way Map amendments agreed.  Thanks to Clive Blower for preparing the new map

 B – Pavilion  – Plans are progressing to create a fenced patio area at the rear of the pavilion.  A notice board is to be purchased for the outside of the Pavilion to advertise club events.  It was agreed the Badcock Memorial should be renovated but remain where it is.


C – Allotments – proposed pig keeping has been abandoned.  Minute of HAGA AGM will be     circulated in Folder 

11   Correspondence

SCDC  introduced charges for street naming and numbering on 1st April F

Standards Committee Newsletter F

Proposed changes to Old Railway Bridge on Haslingfield to Barton Rd will be considered by University Committee and CCC at the end of April.  Assuming it is approved work will start in late summer

Outcome of consultation regarding bus service changes on 17th April F

Cam City Council are withdrawing the inspection service for play areas


12  Governor for Trumpington Meadows School – Sarah Clarke of 25 Barton Rd proposed by HPC

13  Tennis Court Fencing – work commencing on replacement fencing 11.4.11 for completion before commencement of the new season 

14   Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed JW by seconded by WT

Date of next meeting Monday May 9th 2011

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