Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of meeting held on Monday February 14th 2011

Present –Marjorie Richardson (In the chair), David Blake, Martin Heazell, Christine Kipping, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, David Slight, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

There were two members of the public present

1       Apologies for absence – Lucian Hatfield

2      Members Declaration of Interest – ML and DB yellow lines around school; JW and JO tree work applications

3      Open Forum – Mr Miller of 45 New Road drew the Council’s attention to the problems created by the contractors working at 30 New Road.  These will be taken up by the Council and a meeting arranged with Mr Fletcher the site manager.

4      Minutes of meeting held on January 10th were agreed and signed, prop by JO seconded by  OM

5      Matters to be reported from these minutes – Quotes for the work on the pond and decking at Wisbey’a Yard have been obtained by Rob Mungovan (Ecology Officer) The total cost is £920 + VAT, and will be carried out by MD Landscapes.  This work was authorised by the Parish Council at the January meeting and will take place shortly

Footpaths at Rectory Farm Hauxtonthese are still ‘no go’ areas, a reply is awaited from the Burser of Jesus College

 6      Planning

          S/0961/10/F – Revised location of Gazebo at Haslingfield School – recommended

          S/2215/10 – Single storey rear extension & pitch roof over existing-1A Trinity Close – recommended

          S/0132/11 – Extensions – 60 High St – recommended

          S/0142/11 – Replacement Dwelling – Cantelupe Farm – recommended

          S/0154/11 – Erection of New Solar Farm – land to west of Cantelupe Rd – recommended

          S/0160/11/RM – Submission of reserved matters for 29 dwellings in Trumpington Meadows (Haslingfield) – discussions to take place at the public exhibition on 28/2/11

         C/11/40/045 – removal of alder tree in garden of 33 High St – recommended

         C/11/40/045 – proposed tree surgery at 1 The Knapp – recommended

         C/11/40/05 – proposed tree surgery at The Manor – recommended

 7      Additional Matters for discussion

Dennis Vacher from CCC Highways has met with the two residents of Cantelupe Rd wishing to have hedgerows trimmed back.  It has been agreed that the CCC will trim the hedges when they are next in the area and the residents will then be responsible for keeping them trimmed.  If they are not looked after they will be removed.

Trumpington Meadows Public Art – first meeting has taken place between MR, LH, The Clerk and representatives from SCDC, CCC and the appointed contractors ‘Insite Arts’.  The group will meet again when ‘Insite Arts’ have consulted further, including with Trumpington Residents Association.  CK reported police cars driving at excessive speed through the village, this to be raised at the next police panel meeting.  The enforcement officer to be asked to check that building work at 15 New Road is according to the plans.  The building work at 34 New Road is creating a lot of problems to pedestrians, this to be investigated.

8      County Councillors Report – CCC intends to phase out bus subsidies (£2.7m) over the next four years starting with cuts of approx 25% in year one.  The No75 service to Haslingfield will be affected.  There will be no increase in CCC element of the Council Tax in the next financial year and probably no increase for a further four years  The Council’s aim is to save £50.4m in 2011/12 and £160.6m in total over 5 years.  £1m from youth services, £761K from home to school transport and £600K from children’s centres, £527K from specialist teaching, £315K from budgets for educating looked after children and £301K from Cambs Racial Equality and Diversity Service.  Similar cuts will take place from other council budgets including Highways, Environment, Libraries and Social care.  It is likely that bottle banks will be replaced with banks for books, textiles, shoes and small electrical items.

 9      District Councillors Report – Julie Ayre SCDC who has been the liaison officer for Trumpington Meadows development and the Parish Council for six months, is to be given responsibility for Orchard Park.  The new liaison Officer for planning will be John Pym. There are proposals for the three other District Councils for Cambridgeshire – East Cambs, Fenland and Huntingdon, to merge.  This would leave SCDC the option of merging with the city.  The Chief Environmental Health Officer’s post for SCDC has been vacant for six months and the deputy will be retiring next year, it is being proposed that the post of CEHO be merged with that of the City. 

The bill for buying housing stock from the Government would be £204m, this money could be borrowed and after repaying the loan there would still be an income of £500K per annum for SCDC.  A decision has yet to be reached.

 10    Committee and Working party Reports

 A – Environment  – MH gave a report on the CEMEX meeting – a permit has now been issued from the Environment Agency for restoration of the quarry using waste spoil to be brought by rail.

Tenders are being sought from rail contractors regarding the upgrade of the line, improvements will include sound reduction by the use of continuous welded rail near housing.  Badgers have been tunnelling under the track bed and there is an active sett.  CEMEX is in co-operation with Natural England in providing an artificial sett to be in place later this year

B – Pavilion  – No meeting

C – Allotments –No decision has yet been reached about the keeping of pigs

11     Correspondence – Meetings-

      22.02.11    Community Health & Well being 12 -4pm  Pavilion– LH, JH

      01.03.11    Southern Fringe Community Forum 7 -9pm  Fawcett School  LH, JH

      02.03.11    Management of Heavy Commercial Vehicle Traffic 7-9pm  No delegate

      11.03.11    Cambridge Horizons, Learning & Development 9.15 – 15.30 Trumpington Prof. Dev Centre  LH, MH, JH

      29.03.11    Parish Council Liaison Meeting, Cambourne 7-8.30pm CK, WT, DS, JW, JH   Library Service review – document in folder

12       Reports from

Police Panel Meeting – Road safety issues to be tackled outside Haslingfield School.  Speed checks had taken place in the village.  There have been two further burglaries, there was no more information on the two mentioned at the last meeting

Parish Forum – IT mapping for planning applications is on target for April

SCDC propose that in setting future planning fees they will calculate in accordance with local costs instead of standard national charge.  This will include a charge for retrospective applications.  Section 106 agreement for new residential properties approved on basis of sq. metres per person range from £290 for 1 bedroom to £719 for 5+ bedrooms.  Localism bill is expected to become Act in December 2011.  Regional strategies including County Structure Plans will be revoked by the Act.  Community Infrastructure Levy funded by developers in addition to Sect 106 may be used on maintenance and running costs as well as capital expenditure.  Councils will decide what constitutes a neighbourhood under the Act.  Neighbourhood Development Plans would be added to LA proposals and a 50% majority by referendum would be needed for adoption.  The Act includes compulsory pre-application consultation with neighbours and parishes for new developments of 10+ houses.  It was suggested that to assist parishes the period for comment on planning applications be increased to 28 days.  JW

Little Footsteps  Children’s centre at Caldecote was officially opened recently by Lord Leeming.  It provides activities for children and parents from Monday to Saturday free of charge.  Details can be found on the web site

 13      Yellow Lines around school – it was decided that double yellow lines be painted from the school sign on the High St to School Lane on the school side of the road, and from the school sign in the High St to the bottom of Chapel Hill on the opposite side of the road.  An amendment to this was proposed by ML that the lines on the High St be extended by one car’s length, this was defeated by 7 votes

 14       Finance

Resolution to pay of outstanding accounts proposed by JO seconded by OM

Funding received from City Council of £1,800. £.1,500 towards costs involved in the Living in the Southern Fringe project and £300 for the local history project..

Ground rent of £5.00 received from the Allotment Society

Payment received of £2014 – section 106 payment for 62 High St

Letter of thanks from the Warden Scheme for grant of £1,500        

15                Date of next meeting Monday March 14th 2011

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