Parish Council Meeting 14th November 2011

Minutes of meeting held on Monday November 14th 2011

Present –David Blake (in the chair),  Lucian Hatfield, Martin Heazell, Ray Jack, Christine Kipping, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, Wendy Timbs ,

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Coun. Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance


    There were 2  members of the public present


1      Apologies for absence –Marjorie Richardson, John Offord and John Wheelhouse


2      Members Declaration of Interest – Yellow Lines – ML, CK, DB


    3      Open Forum – Angela Taylor spoke of her objections to yellow lines being painted anywhere


   4       Update on Trumpington Meadows – The new Trumpington Meadows School will not be completed until at least January 2013.  In the meantime pupils will housed in temporary accommodation at the Fawcett School in Trumpington


5    Minutes of meeting held on October 10th were agreed and signed, prop  CK seconded by ML


6        Matters to be reported from these minutes –  no news on the request for a dog waste bin at the top of Porker’s Lane – LH to chase

No date yet for repairs to be carried out at the play area

Connections  Bus – reply from CCC Adrian Loades – discussions are taking place to make an application for some transitional funding for 2012-13

Speedwatch appears to come to an end in Haslingfield, this to be investigated with the police and raised at the next police panel meeting in January   


7            Planning –S/2036/11 –Extension to dwellings (3,4 & 5 College Crescent)  – recommended

Appeal against refusal of planning permission for 41, Chestnut Close has been dismissed


8          Additional Matters for discussion  – parking on the pavement, main offenders to be visited by CK

No more information on the Railway Bridge on Barton Rd

Attendees at Southern Fringe Practioners Event on November 17th?    LH, JH, CK. RJ

Road repairs to New Road have been carried out

ML asked for the registration of the village green to be checked

CK suggested that Alan from the Connections Bus be asked to speak at the Annual Meeting in 2012

DB announced that the accounts had been checked recently and found to be in order

It was raised that no 25 High St have possibly contravened planning regulations by laying paving slabs in the drive.  This to be investigated by L Heazell


9          County Councillors Report – proposed relocation of Cambridge United Football Stadium.

Many people attended a presentation recently by Grosvenor about their proposals to extend the  Trumpington Meadows development with additional housing (400) and a sports complex.  The Abbey Stadium in Newmarket Road would then be built on.  The alternative site is at NIAB just off the A14.  The concept of improved football and other sports facilities for Cambridge is welcomed, but it is felt that the location of Trumpington Meadows is inappropriate, furthermore there are objections to any additional dwellings and the loss of further land from the green belt.  Any comments would be welcomed.  Grants of up to £500 from CCC are available for community groups wanting to run events to celebrate Olympics and Paralympics.  There are 3 deadlines

20th January, 29th February, 9th April  Cambridgeshire Future Transport pilot is to be placed at Duxford, starting on December 5th.  It will be centred on

a special needs transport contract.  The Inspector dealing with County Waste and Mineral Plan has deleted the recycling centre at Trumpington from the plan, on the grounds that it would disturb the historical integrity of the area and is inappropriate use of the green belt.  The Bayer site (former sports ground) is the new preferred option.  Haslingfield Parish Council is advised to employ lawyers to fight the plans for a football ground at Trumpington Meadows.  The council were reminded that several years ago it was suggested that a new P & R be established on the main road near Foxton Station as a suitable site is available there.


10     District Councillors Report – the next Southern Fringe Community Forum meeting will take place

on 18th January at the Fawcett School, Trumpington.  The Government is asking CCC to cut back on expenditure at Sheltered housing sites.  It is not clear where the surplus money will go but CCC are not keen to reduce the services.  Parking on the verges at Pates Close and Fountain Lane is being dealt with by L Heazell.  Lawyers have intervened in the recent bus survey, it is felt that incorrect information has been given.  The social housing at Watson’s Yard received the following applications 29 for the 4 bed room house:  56 for the 1 bedroom house and 63 for the 2 bedroom houses.


11     Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment  –  a report of the last meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting outlining plans for the future.  The following areas owned by the Parish Council were identified for environmental projects – The Wellhouse Meadow, Haslingfield Quarry, Recreation Ground and the area of the River Cam beside the public bridleway on which riparian rights are held possibly by CCC.  It is planned to have the Jubilee oak Tree planted in the dog free zone of  Wellhouse Meadow at the Manor end.


B – Pavilion  –  No meeting.  It has been reported that two accidents have taken place on the paving slabs outside the front door recently.  The Pavilion Committee are aware of this – urgent action to be taken.  Checks to be made on Village Hall insurance policy and what is covered.  Accident book to be checked on.


C – Allotments – there are no plots available at the allotments.  It is planned to clear space at the rear to accommodate more plots.  It is noted that Haslingfield members of the committee are not attending committee meetings


  12      Correspondence

            CPALC AGM Bluntisham Village Hall 3rd December 10am – 12.30

HGV Strategy Meeting Tuesday 29th November at Swavesey VC at 7pm

Open Spaces special general meeting Wednesday 23rd Nov in London

Street Lighting for the 6 lamps maintained by CCC will be £158.76 for 2010/11. 

This figure will increase by approx 6% next year

Request from Lawrence Green to come and talk to HPC about Parish Emergency Plans at the  February 13th meeting – agreed

Request from ACRE for volunteers to work alongside Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service

Jigsaw Cambridge – a community archaeology initiative – passed to Michael Coles, poster to be displayed on the notice board


13       Grass Cutting around Wisbey’s Yard – it was suggested that the developers be approached to

establish if payment would be forthcoming


14         Funding for local requests – traffic calming etc – it was decided to request 4 flashing signs with

speed limits displayed or ‘slow down’.  Priority to be given to ones near the school, one near the Church and the other opposite the Methodist Chapel.  Then to Barton Road,  one at the entrance to the village and the other facing traffic leaving the village at a site to be decided.


15        Minor highways improvements process – see above


16        Further development at Trumpington Meadows – following the presentation by Grosvenor to the Parish Council and the comprehensive report submitted by Trumpington Residents Association, it was decided to support the TRA report with no additional text.  Concerns were expressed about maintenance costs once the developers have left the site.


17        Report on SCDC Parish Liaison Meeting – strategic housing plans in SCDC only need additional 10,000 houses up to 2031 mainly due to Marshall’s staying put.  Section 106 awards may include community facilities in addition to recreation in future.  Parishes were urged to contact SCDC as soon as notified of an application to discuss what is to be asked of the developer.

New homes bonus figures have not been set yet as SCDC is awaiting government guidance.  SCDC is proposing to implement e mailed planning applications to Clerks to speed up response preparation.  There will be a hard copy in the post.  Parishes are urged to comment on all applications in detail in order to justify their recommendation


18    Report on Southern Fringe Health and Well Being Committee – LHeazell – there is to be another community Forum meeting in February  specifically to discuss Grosvenor’s proposals for building the community football stadium and additional houses.  Local parishes will be invited.

A meeting has been held with the web developer to discuss moving the E-engagement date forward.  It was agreed to set a provisional launch date for February.  From January the children and families sub-group will be merged with the Health and well being group.


            Reports on Workshop held on Oct 20th  circulated


19        Yellow lines around the school – on hold until flashing signs are sorted


20        Speed limit signs for wheelie bins – to be distributed to houses in Barton Road, 4 per house with an explanatory letter


21        Changes to music licence in public places – the council agreed to support the comments made by SCDC that no changes should be made, and a letter will be written


22       Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by WT seconded by LH


Section 106 money for Trinity Farm £34,292.39 is now due

The agreement to be signed by MR and the Clerk with a member of the Parish Council witnessing the signatures.

Haslingfield Parish Council voted to proceed on this basis proposed  WT seconded  OM passed nem con


Date of next meeting Monday December 12th 2011



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