Revised agenda for Parish Council Meeting 10th October 2011

There will be a meeting of Haslingfield Parish Councilat Haslingfield Pavilion on Monday October 10th 2011 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.  Members of the Public and Press are invited to address the Council at the Open Forum. 




  1       Apologies for absence

  2       Members Declaration of interest for items on the agenda

  3       Open Forum for Public Participation

  4       Update on Trumpington Meadows

  5       To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of September 12th 2011

  6       Matters to be reported from these minutes

                  Grant application for Royston & District Community Transport

                  Britain in Bloom

                  Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

  7       Planning applications and decisions

            S/1806/11 – Erection of a pair of semi detached houses following demolition of existing house – 26 New Road            

  8       Additional matters for discussion

  9       County Councillors Report

10       District Councillors Report                                     

11       Committee and Working Party Reports

a    Environment –

b    Pavilion

c    Allotments

12      Correspondence –

13      Repairs to Play area              

14      Funding for local requests – traffic calming etc  (JW)

15      Report on Insite arts meeting  (MR)

          Report on SCDC Parish Liaison meeting  (JW)

          Report on Southern Fringe Health and Well Being Committee (LH)

16      Yellow Lines around the school

17      Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts

             Salaries – Clerk, Roy Brown, Fred Lawes

             Grass Cutting                 


Date of next meeting Monday November 14th 2011



Janet Hendy 

Parish Clerk   October 4th 2011


The Annual Meeting of the Badcock Trustees will take place after the above meeting

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