Walkers and horse-riders can make the most of the Cambridgeshire countryside thanks to a new ‘Route of the Month’ feature launched on the County Council’s website.

Finding ideas for a walk or ride in the countryside has been made even easier by the council’s Public Rights of Way and Access Team with a new section on the website here

Cambridgeshire offers a wealth of opportunity for enjoying the outdoors, with 3,200 kilometres of public rights of way and a wide range of landscapes from the wide skies of the Fens to the rolling countryside near the Bedfordshire border.

The County Council website already provides an interactive map where people can find paths and natural sites near to where they live.

The new Route of the Month feature has ideas from across the county, giving people the opportunity to try something a bit different, based on a monthly theme.

A new route will be available from the 1st of every month. For October, the theme is woodlands, with walk maps, walk suggestions and even downloadable recipe ideas. Upcoming themes include easy access walks, literary walks and even the science of walking.

Access Development Manager Alysoun Hodges, said: “This new feature gives everyone the chance to explore new areas of the county or to put a new perspective on walking and riding in their own area. We are urging people to check our new Route of the Month feature regularly for fresh ideas, links and downloads to add to their enjoyment of the Cambridgeshire countryside’

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