Parish Council minutes

Minutes of meeting held on Monday September 13th 2010Present –Christine Kipping, Lucian Hatfield, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Marjorie Richardson, David Slight, Wendy Timbs, John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

There was 1 member of the public present

1      Apologies for absence – none

        The Chairman informed the council that Angela Taylor had resigned.

2      Members Declaration of Interest – Lucian Hatfield planning (neighbour to 29 Barton Rd)

3      Open Forum – no comments

4      Minutes of meeting held on August 9th were agreed and signed

5      Matters to be reported from these minutes

Cycle racks requested at both shops, the village hall, the play area and possibly the Church.  A site visit has taken place and measurements taken.  Diagrams will be sent shortly showing locations.  The racks are hoop shaped and cycles can be locked to them.

Reply from CCC re decision on Section 106 payments for education c/f to October meeting

Letter from SCDC re street name suggestion for 30 New Rd

Letter sent to Happy Bunnies at Barrington re advertising

Playground Services state that there is no problem with adults using the play equipment except the spring rockers which are designed to take younger children

6       Planning – applications and decisions

S/1325/10 – Extensions and alterations to 12 Church St – recommended

S/1272/10 – Construction of a weir, fish pass and a small bridge at Byron’s pool nature reserve, Grantchester Rd, Trumpington – recommended

S/0799/10/F – erection of bungalow following workshop demolition 29 Barton Rd – recommended

Tree works at Church Gate Cottage, 8 Church Way – recommended

Permission granted by SCDC for an extension at 17 The Hemlocks and erection of boundary wall and creation of access (retrospective application) at 46 High St

Application  approved for residential development of up to 2,300 new mixed tenure dwellings and accompanying provision of community facilities at Clay Farm, Cambridge

Leach Homes, the developers of 30 New Road have backed down and agreed to respect the full 5 metre width of the public footpath (including the wide verge next to the range of farm buildings)

SCDC and CCC have objected to the application by EDF to reroute cables at Cantelupe Farm

7      Additional Matters for discussion

        Remaining willow trees at the allotments, agreed to fell to ground level.   Further inspection of tree outside 2A Lilac Close before branches are lopped

        Parking at School – discussions are taking place with the Headmaster and the Police.  CCC Highways engineer to be involved.

        Article in newsletter about provision of secondary school education at Comberton.  Letter to be sent to Headmaster and Chairman of Governors.  Parents to be encouraged to write their own letters to CCC.  HPC will also be writing

        Proposed street names for Trumpington Meadows have been requested.  Suggestions were ‘Haslingfield Way’, ‘Barnard Close’, ‘Bourne Brook Road’, ’Flavell Avenue’, ‘Francis Lupton Drive’

        Speeding along Barton Road is becoming a problem again.  This to be discussed with the Police

        The cost of supplying flashing signs to be investigated.

        Repairs to grass area at the entrance to Play Park have been carried out

        WT reported a large pothole at the entrance to Badcock Rd.  Dangerous holes were also reported around no 62 High St.  These to be reported to CCC Highways

The plans for school at Trumpington Meadows are having to be revised due to cost cutting, it is now likely to become a two storey building.

8      County Councillors Report – the online planning system at SCDC is still causing problems.  Please report them to SK.  Benefit Fraud continues to be a major problem, last year £126K was found to have been overpaid due to fraud in SCAMBS.  Hauxton Remedial works continue with most of the worst bits having been excavated.  The site will be less smelly as the weather cools and work hours will be shorter  during the winter.  The Government’s spending review is going to have huge impact on District and County Councils.  Proposals so far include cutting Local Housing Allowance probably by about £25 per household per week, introduction of control over Parish Council precepts and devolving some core services such as day care and youth work down to local communities.  Cutting community grants and axing the second connexions bus.  Cambridgeshire Police Authority is looking for people to join its Custody Visitor panels.  The panels are independent of the Police and their role is to make unannounced visits to police stations to observe and report to the Police Authority about the conditions under which people detained to assist police with their enquiries are being held

9        District Councillors Report –.The new CEO for SCDC Jean Hunter, takes up her post in October, she is anxious to get around the county and meet people.  Feedback is still awaited from ‘Mr Whippet’ about the bus service.  Rob Mungovan, the Ecology officer for SCDC,  has recently been awarded a ‘Green Apple Environment Award’ for his work at Trumpington Meadows.  There were more than 500 nominations for the award

10   Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment  – at a recent meeting it was decided to review the man power available and advertise for people to join a pool of labour to do particular tasks.  An article will appear in the November edition of C & V.  Alan Jenyon had recently found papers relating to the institution of the Environment Committee ten years ago, these are to be revamped.

B – Pavilion  – a copy of the RoSPA report relating to the provision of a compound for machinery is to be passed to the committee

11        Correspondence

East of England Ambulance service requesting that location details are displayed at play areas, village halls, recreation grounds etc. in order that emergency services can locate them more quickly

Request from Cambridgeshire Police Shrievality Trust for a donation to the ‘Bobby Scheme’ in it’s work of improving the security of the homes of elderly and vulnerable people in the county and particularly in Haslingfield.  Representative to be invited to lunch club

WT and OM to attend the next District Council liaison meeting at Cambourne on Monday October 18th at 7.30pm

ACRE AGM Tuesday 28th September at 5.30pm at St Ivo leisure Centre

Provisional date for meeting of HPC with Cambridge Horizons is November 29th

12     Re-siting of Parish Notice Boards  – still awaiting response from SCDC re planning

13     Fence around Play Area

Contract awarded to Playground Services who erected the original fence, cost £1,677, this was the lowest quote

 14     Proposed cycle route – detailed plan has been forwarded to SCDC

 15     Security at the Village hall – advice to be sought from CPALC and Cambs ACRE

 16     Winter Gritting – letter written to Richard Kingston at CCC following a long discussion about exclusion of New Rd and Barton Rd on the schedule.  No reply received as yet.  CCC will  supply gritting bins at a cost of £93 per bin if we wish to purchase them.  Tim Austin has agreed to allow his name to go forward as a potential snow clearer for Haslingfield

17        SCAMBS Sustainable Energy Partnership – no money available now

 18       Finance – Resolution to pay of outstanding accounts proposed by WT seconded by OM

19       Date of next meeting Monday October 11th 2010

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