Minutes of HPC meeting held on Monday March 8th 2010

Present –Christine Kipping, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Marjorie Richardson, Wendy Timbs.  Liz Heazell and Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance. Apologies received from John Lowe, David Slight and Angela Taylor.  There was one member of the public present

Minutes of meeting held on February 8th were agreed and signed

1     Matters reported – web site now functional www.parish.haslingfieldvillage.co.uk.

The agenda for tonight’s meeting was posted last week and the minutes of this meeting will appear.  Further information from David Slight.

Broad Lane has been resurfaced, complaints have been lodged with CCC who are coming back to deal with them.

No serious damage was caused by the elder tree falling recently in Wellhouse Meadow onto a  fence.  The tree will soon be reduced to 4’ in height.  There are no claims from residents.

2     Open Forum – ref land behind 43 High St – Mr Morris the potential purchaser explained clearly his intentions for the use of the land.

3    Planning – S/1901/09/F Development of 30 New Road (Trinity Farm), this was recommenced by 7 votes with 1 abstention, subject to conditions on maintenance of green areas and hedges and an increase in the length of the footpath.  Section 106 agreements need to be negotiated.

Permission granted by SCDC for an extension at 93 New Road and for the display of a sign for the proposed development at 30 New Road.  The application for replacement of garages, outbuilding and walls at Cantelupe Farm has been withdrawn

Following Mr Morris’s presentation it was decided to recommend the sale of the land belonging to SCDC to Mr Morris.

4 Additional Matters for discussion

A tractor and roller have been driven over the area of trees planted in the recreation ground near the millennium pond.  Alan Jenyon is in discussions with Paul Brammer.

Clerk has passed section 7 (Power of Well Being) of the certificate in Local Council Administration.  The portfolio for reaccreditation of Quality Status has been submitted.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan 2010 submission from HPC  everyone in agreement with reply prepared by MH

Standing orders – a new version is available.  Part 2 has been downloaded, Part 1 is available at a cost of £25

Green Infrastructure Strategy review – Consultation document to be completed by MH

Footpath No 3 – there is a tree down in the ditch, and near the Barton Road end the bridge needs extending to avoid walking into water.

A new music licence may be necessary for the pavilion

No 62 High St still needs fencing around the garden.

5/6    County Councillors Report/ District Councillors Report –

Potholes are still a major problem, 7 gangs are out each day doing repairs.  By late February, 1592 had been reported compared with 300 last year!  Concerns are being expressed by some residents about accommodating a third wheelie bin, refusal of a bin is being investigated.

SCDC has agreed a 2.995% increase in council tax, the County Council 2.9% and Fire and Police authorities a similar figure.  Council tenants will see an average rise in their rent of 2.7% .  The CEO of SCDC Greg Harlock and Cambridgeshire’s Chief Constable Julie Spence have both resigned to take effect in September.  Guided Bus – Stagecoach have repainted the slogans on their buses from ‘’ I’ll be on the Busway soon ‘’ to ‘’Will I be on the           Busway soon?’’.  This project has now overrun by £41M.  CEMEX will shortly be submitting a planning application to restore part of the quarry for agricultural use.  The proposed funding by the government for introducing a congestion charge has now been withdrawn.  A new ‘Urban Challenge Fund’ is to be introduced. Quote from the minister below “clear and measurable benefits for urban areas in terms of: enhanced mobility through offering people wider choices for their journeys; reduced congestion and increased journey time reliability; better health as a result of improved safety and much greater levels of walking and cycling; streets and public spaces which are enjoyable places to be, where exposure to harmful emissions is reduced  and where quality of life is transformed, improved safety; and reduced level of carbon emission from transport.

The Fund will support packages of measures designed to deliver all of these benefits. The packages are likely to include a combination of sustainable travel measures, investment to encourage modal shift and better bus services alongside demand management measures, better and city-wide traffic management and improved street design. Acting together, these measures will deliver a step change in the local economy, the health of urban residents and the environment they enjoy.

The new Fund will replace the Transport Innovation Fund. Work by a number of authorities showed that a combination of measures was necessary to tackle the problem of congestion and could deliver wider benefits to local communities, the urban economy and environment. TIF also encouraged new thinking in a number of areas, for example on a phased and incremental approach to demand management. Its weaknesses lay in its too narrow a focus on the issue of congestion, the failure to win public acceptance for the more challenging proposals and inability to transform governance at the same time as delivering radical change. The new Fund will draw on the lessons from TIF and the new ideas that have come forward.” End of quote……..

So this says to us that there will be no recognition of the rural issues facing us. If you were hoping for improvements to our bus services in any meaningful sense I fear that your hopes are to be dashed. This in particular will impact on rural communities such as Barrington, Gamlingay and the Eversdens as the bus services reduce because of the focus placed on Cambourne. Needless to say we will carry on campaigning for a proper rural bus service.

7   Committee Reports

A – Environment – No meeting

The CEMEX exhibition illustrated that infilling will raise the level of the quarry by 30m leaving 20m exposed as there are still rich minerals in the face to be extracted.  Access at the west of the quarry will be maintained.  Trains will run from 7 am – 8pm Monday – Friday bringing in the filler

B – Pavilion – No meeting

8 Correspondence – SCDC Standards Committee seeks Parish Council rep. nominations by 11th June.  ACRE are organising a Parish Planning meeting on 31st March at 6.30pm.  SCDC cabinet meeting with Parish Councils on Tuesday 23rd March 2 reps needed.  Future Jobs fund – posters to go on notice boards. Meeting of Joint Development Control Committee on 24th March will include proposal for outline planning permission for Trumpington Meadows – phasing, surface Water strategy, renewables and the Country Park.

Old Railway Bridge – The recommendation of the Minor Works group of the University Management Dept is to insert a box culvert under the bridge.  This is not supported by HPC and a letter is to be written to the Department prior to the meeting on 10.3.10 of the Resource Management Group.  The main objections are lack of safety measures, no provision for cyclists or pedestrians, visibility over the existing bridge is nil and no increase in the width of the bridge.

9 Co-option of Councillor – John Wheelhouse from Elizabeth Cottage, Knapp Rise was co-opted to serve on the Parish Council.  John Lowe has now resigned from the Parish Council.

10 Finance – payment of outstanding accounts

It was agreed to invest part of the Council’s general reserve fund in a bond.  The Clerk to investigate this

The meeting closed at 9.30pm

Date of Next Meeting April 12th at 7.30 pm



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