Haslingfield DOG SHOW
For more information on how you can enter, see below:
11am, 15th September 2012
Well House Meadow
Entrance Fee: £2 per entry, or £5 for 3 entries per dog.
Exhibitors name:
Dogs name:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Categories entered- please tick:
Pedigree Classes
( ) Class 1: Any variety Puppy (6-12 months)
( ) Class 2: Any variety Sporting Dogs
( ) Class 3: Any Variety non- Sporting
Novelty Classes
( ) Class 5: Dog in the best condition
( ) Class 6: Best Child Handler under 10 years
( ) Class 7: Best Child Handler over 10 years
( ) Class 8: Best veteran (over 6 years)
( ) Class 9: Best Rescue Dog
( ) Class 10: Dog with the Waggiest Tail
( ) Class 11: Dog that looks most like their owner
( ) Class 12: Dog the Judge would most like to take home
Please deliver or email completed form to 33, High Street,Haslingfield, Cambridge CB23 1JW dianaofford@hotmail.co.uk and arrive at 10.30 to pay fees or come along to register at 10am on the morning of the 15th September- this allows time for processing before
judging starts at 11am.
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