Next Village Society Talk

WimpoleHum!  Appearances can be deceptive! And Wimpole Hall is no exception.  We think we know it all as the beautiful house and grounds on our doorstep.  However, all is not what it seems.  Some of the more surprising aspects are revealed in the Haslingfield Village society talk on Tuesday, 17 February.  Haslingfield Village Hall, 8:00PM.  Veronica Bennett is a volunteer speaker for the National Trust East of England Regional Talks Service.  Our talks are open to everyone; a small charge is made to non-members.  See you there.


image002Where does news come from? How is it decided what is broadcast? How is it prepared? How is technology changing the future? Fae Southwell, reporter with the BBC who is a resident of Haslingfield, talks about her 26-year career in news, working across several media, including newspapers, local radio and TV.
Tuesday, 20th January. 8:00 pm. Haslingfield Village Hall.
Everyone is very welcome


image002The Haslingfield Village Society presents:  An Evening of Mystery, Magic, and Music with a Two-course Meal – The Secret World of Charles Dickens.  Ian Keable, winner of The Magic Circle Comedy Award, performs the favourite magic tricks of Charles Dickens and divulges the spooky practices of Victorian psychics. During a hot meal with dessert, Tom Hatfield will entertain with music from the Victorian Music Hall. Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 7.00 pm. Haslingfield Village Hall.  Tickets at £12.50 are available from January from: the village shops, M. Hendy (870270), M. Stringer (871256). Put the date in your diary, this is not to be missed.

Next Village Society Talk

bee‘BOTHER WITH BEES’, an important matter and the subject of a talk by Dr Bill Block, a local beekeeper, whose is an Emeritus Fellow of the British Antarctic Survey. Insect pollination contributes hugely to British agriculture and honey bees play an important role in it. Beekeeping has changed dramatically over recent decades with pests and diseases increasing in importance together with changes in agriculture.  After an introduction to modern beekeeping, Bill will discuss how these challenges are being met.  Tuesday, 21st October 2014,  Haslingfield Village Hall, 8:00 PM.  Everyone is mst welcome. Members and school age free. Small charge for visitors.

Next Village Society Talk

chapel hillThe History and Traditions of Chapel Hill, Haslingfield: The Pilgrimage to Our Lady of White Hill   Speaker: Jonathan Spain   His talk will look both at the historical evidence for the existence of the chapel or shrine and the role which local historians played in preserving that tradition over 350 years down to the present day, looking at the historical and religious motivations. It is a study in the way in which ‘local’ history and tradition is created and maintained.  Haslingfield Village Hall, Tuesday 16th September 2014, 8.00pm.  All are welcome.

Preserving the Industrial Heritage of Cambridge

pumping engineVisit to the Cambridge Museum of Technology

Organised by the Haslingfield Village Society
Wednesday 10th September 2014 at 10.00 am.

We will be taken on a guided tour around the museum, based in Cambridge’s old sewage pumping station on Cheddars Lane.  This site was one of the earliest examples of recycling – the city’s rubbish being burned here to produce steam to power the steam engines to pump the sewage.  The Museum exists to preserve industrial exhibit material relevant to the Cambridge area, and on the tour we will learn about the development of power from steam, through internal combustion, to electricity.      GO TO ‘READ MORE’ Continue reading Preserving the Industrial Heritage of Cambridge


IMG_1555Haslingfield Village Society did not open the Bakehouse and show archives as advertised on July 5th because of the weather (it was raining). We do plan to be open, on Well House Meadow, between 10 am  and 12 noon on Saturday August 2nd.