Minutes for Parish Council meeting 8th December 2014


Minutes of meeting held on Monday December 8th 2014

Present – Bob Branch, Trina Backhurst, Tony Adcock, Lucian Hatfield, Jenny Jullien, Christine Kipping, Sue Watson, Ron van der Hoorn and Julie Coxall.  County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley and District Councillor Robin Page were unavailable.  There were no members of the public present.

  • Apologies for absence – John Offord and Robin Page


2        Declarations of interest – Julie Coxall declared a connection with the 85 New Road application, as she lives next door.

 3    Open Forum for public participation – There were no members of the public present.

The Council noted with great sadness the death of John Lowe. John was a friendly and caring person and a very active member of the Parish Council and served as Chairman until ill health forced his resignation.  Our sincere sympathy is extended to Penny and her family.

 4    District Councillor’s Report –Robin Page sent his apologies

  • County Councillor’s Report – Sebastian Kindersley sent his apologies

6    To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of 10th November 2014 – approved and signed.  Proposed TB, Seconded CK.

7    Matters to be reported from these minutes – None


8    Planning applications and decisions:

S/2365/14/OL – Report on Public Meeting on CEMEX Planning Application held on 1st December – agreed to report HPC’s views to South Cambridgeshire District Council before the holiday if possible and at latest by end of December 2014.

S/2665/14/FL – Land south of Little Rose Pub, Orchard Rd; 2 residential dwellings with associated parking, landscaping & vehicular access from Badcock Rd – no objections. S/2614/14/FL – 85 New Rd; two storey side & rear extension & single storey rear extension; recommended approval. S/2314/14/PA – The Dairy, Grove Farm; Proposed change of use of Agricultural Building into 2 Dwelling houses and associated operational development – for information only. Permissions granted by SCDC: S/1986/14/FL – Cantelupe Farm; two linked wildlife ponds – Approved 01/12/2014; S/2329/14/FL – 6 Trinity Close; single storey extension to side & rear – Approved 20/11/2014


9     Additional matters for discussion – It was agreed to order a new village noticeboard from Urban Village in Medium Oak.  Proposed RH Seconded JJ        Action FL

It was agreed to write a formal letter of complaint to the Chief Executive of the County Council and Balfour Beatty about their ineptitude in running the street lighting project, including the lack of progress and lack of response to questions   Action RB

RB reminded the Parish Council of the upcoming Newsletter to go into the February Church & Village.  Please send all contributions for submission by 2nd January 2015

Action All Councillors


 10  Standing Orders – It was proposed to accept the new 2014 version of Standing Orders over the previous 2010 version.  Proposed TA, Seconded TB – approved nem con


11  Financial Regulations 2014 (leaflet) – It was agreed to stick to 2 signatories on cheques and not use electronic banking.  There was a Resolution to adopt the proposed new FR from 1st April 2015 (start of new financial year).  Keith French is to be asked to do both the annual internal audit for the Parish Council and the Village Hall accounts.  TA to speak to KF re the village hall accounts.  Proposed TA, Seconded TB – approved nem con            Action TA

TB suggested extra budgetary control with accounts to be sent to all councillors for approval at the end of each financial quarter as per new FR.  The Clerk is to put in extra columns across the excel spreadsheet, with more subtitled headings.  The new process will start from the beginning of the next financial year.                                                                     Action FL


12   Budgets – Bob Branch, Tony Adcock and the Clerk to arrange a meeting to see Ian Dewar, from CAPALC, regarding VAT issues and the Village Hall. If unable to claim VAT back on refurbishment expenses we may have to take more money out of reserves.   Action RB/FL


Bob Branch has been elected to be on the CAPALC management board.

The grant to the Community Warden Scheme has been raised by £500 to £2000, and will be included in next year’s Parish Council precept.


RB reported that no chargeable calls have been made from the red BT phone box this year.  Only occasional free calls are made every 2/3 months.  RB to check that an arrangement for BT to leave and pay for power to the phone box for the first 7 years will be put in place so a defibrillator can be installed.                                                                   Action RB


Over 30 people are registered to use the Connections Bus, with an average of 15 youths using it per week.  It provides value to the community with the young people being able to chat in confidence with leaders and volunteers, and fulfils a duty of care to the youth of Haslingfield and Harlton. TA to check how much money Harlton pays towards it.  Further discussions will take place about the viability of the Project in January 2015.                 Action TA/CK


13   Committee and Working Party Reports;

  1. Environment – RB would like to spend up to £100 for replacement trees for the Community Orchard in the Wellhouse Meadow. Jay Cole has volunteered to help with pruning. The Parish Council confirmed that it continues to say ‘no’ to JC’s idea of planting an oak tree in the Recreation Ground,   in order not to establish a precedent that could encourage ad hoc planting on the recreation ground. .  Proposed TA, Seconded JJ

             Action RB

  1. Village Hall – The Village Hall committee has asked John Offord to replace the broken hinges on the front doors to at least make them serviceable. That should be done this week. Quotes are awaited to replace the doors. Tony Adcock has agreed to liaise with Millcam to oversee the refurbishment work, planned to start on 5th Three cigarette bins have been delivered and will be installed within the next 10 days, two on the patio area and one next to the front door. The installation of the football training floodlighting is now complete.  A new plaque commemorating the Badcock Recreation Ground Gift will be placed on the wall of the Village Hall when it arrives. The original Badcock Memorial is now considered beyond repair and is difficult to read.   Christine Tod has announced her retirement as point of contact for taking bookings from January 2015. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Christine for all the time and effort she has given over the years in running an excellent service and doing so many other things too.  She will be much missed. The role will be taken on by Terry Baker in the New Year.                                                                     Action JO/TA
  2. Allotments – There is one vacant plot, available at the same price as last year – £15 for Haslingfield residents and £17 for people who live outside the village. The AGM was very well attended. RH reported a small loss in the Accounts, due to the new shed being installed.
  3. Trumpington Meadows – CK reported that the 1000th house will be built by the New Year. There are 168 children now attending the school, with a second school due to be opened around Easter 2016. The 2 youth clubs are very busy with the junior group having an average attendance of 25 each week.
  4. Play Area – nothing to report
  5. Website and Church & Village – nothing to report
  6. Parish Emergency Plan – the Plan will be reviewed every 12 months. The Data Protection Act has been signed to keep the data confidential.  A BT telephone line and broadband should be connected permanently.  TA to put it in a secure box. Action TA
  7. Skate Park – Maintenance work will be undertaken in January 2015.
  8. Traffic Calming Measures – Skanska is still awaiting the formal order for the work to take place, but they are ordering road signs. The Christmas shut-down will begin on 19th December 2014 for 2 weeks, so work on Stage 1will not start until early next year.

         14  Correspondence – An email was received from a resident at 36 The Elms.  Their hedge     overlapped the footpath and was severely cut back by CGM while they were out at work, causing much distress.  In future residents will be written to well in advance of cutting, after the footpath checks have taken place, and given the option of undertaking pruning themselves.                                                                                                                  Action FL

  • HPC New Service Contracts, Licences and Bids – Three quotes were received for new fencing and gates in the Wellhouse Meadow. The job will be given to whoever can undertake the work first from the 2 cheaper quotes.                                                             Action FL

It was decided to renew the Contract for Grass Cutting with CGM.  The Clerk will do a checklist of jobs to be undertaken, including maintaining shrubs and trees to their current sizes, and flower beds being weeded.  They should also let us know when they have done Zone 1 so that the work can be checked.  Proposed TB, Seconded JJ         Action FL


16   Cycle Path from Haslingfield to Grantchester – Lucian Hatfield is currently investigating a cycle route from Haslingfield to Hauxton to link with the A10 cycleway, with the intention of using City Deal money from the County Council to fund the project. He will approach landowners and residents to make sure they are happy to proceed, as it will involve a route popular with dog walkers.


  • Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts – Proposed LH, Seconded JJ


Date of next meeting Monday 12th January 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


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