‘Faith to Live By’ Service


Haslingfield Methodist Church
Sunday 11th January 2015 at 6.30 pm

 Led by Robin Walker, Organist
Click ‘Read More’ below

 Why is it that music plays so large a role in our Christian worship, and such a powerful force in our religious identity?   Robin will share something of the importance music has in his worshipping life, as a performer and church musician. Robin works is an organist and conductor, both in church music and on the concert platform.  He studied at the Royal Academy of Music, and has held church posts at Hinde Street Methodist Church,  HM Chapel Royal in the Tower of London, and is currently Assistant Organist of St George’s Hanover Square in London.  He conducts Cantate chamber choir in Kent and is in demand as an organ soloist and accompanist, both here in the UK and abroad.

A time of worship – An address – Refreshments & Discussion

Everyone Welcome

Web site: www.haslingfieldmethodistchurch.org.uk

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