Summer Fair

Event:      Summer Fair

Venue:    Haslingfield Primary School

Date:        Saturday, 25th June, 2011

Time:       2pm – 5pm

Come and join us at our Summer Fair!

There will be:-

  • Children’s Sumo Wrestling
  • New stall from Si5 Spymasters (Great Prizes)
  • Treasure Hunt
  • Beat the Goalie
  • Tug of War
  • BBQ
  • Bar
  • Refreshments (cream teas)
  • Ice Cream
  • Mask Design Competition
  • Pocket Money Stall
  • Wellie Throwing
  • Book/CD/DVD/Jigsaw Stall/Video Games
  • Plant Stall
  • Music
  • Great Raffle Prizes and lots more besides….

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