Minutes of HPC meeting held on Monday August 9th 2010

Present –Christine Kipping, Lucian Hatfield, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, John Offord, David Slight, Wendy Timbs, John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell was in attendance .  There were no members of the public present

1      Apologies for absence – Marjorie Richardson, Olga Murkin, Angela Taylor and Sebastian Kindersley

2      Members Declaration of Interest – Christine Kipping and Wendy Timbs – application to erect gazebo at school

3      Open Forum – no comments

4      Minutes of meeting held on July 12th were agreed and signed with the deletion of the sentence  ‘ There is a need to find a more acceptable car scheme’ in item 9

5      Matters to be reported from these minutes – none

6      Planning – applications and decisions

S/0961/10/F – erection of gazebo in grounds of Haslingfield School recommended subject to positioned being reconsidered

S/1041/10/F – erection of 4 bay modular building at Haslingfield School – plans not received

S/1080/10/CW – importation by rail of suitable restoration material over a period of 5 years to partially infill an existing quarry void and provide for restoration of the western and north western areas of Barrington Quarry – concerns about 1) noise from vehicles reversing 2) trains crossing the road without warning lights to drivers 3) will trains run at weekends

Permission granted by SCDC for stable blocks at land to the east of disused pit, Chapel Hill; for extensions and replacement garage at 34 Cantelupe Rd; for replacement of garages, agricultural outbuildings and garden wall at Cantelupe Farm, Cantelupe Rd; for an extension at 54A High St

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan – submission of Development Plan Documents to the Secretary of State, these can be viewed on www. Cambridgeshire.gov.uk

S/1113/10 and 10/0695/REM – detailed proposals for Country Park at Trumpington Meadows Development – only concern is lack of cycle route between Trumpington Meadows and Haslingfield.  A working party to examine possible routes which can be suggested to the City Council, SCDC and others.  LH happy to further any proposal.

A letter of thanks has been sent to Ken Hay for addressing HPC on matters affecting Haslingfield and Trumpington Meadows, including a reminder that HPC wishes to be part of the forum discussing future issues.

7        Additional Matters for discussion

Winter gritting –Request for New Road and Barton Rd to be included in view of previous accidents on Barton Rd and buses and large vehicles using New Road.  Local farmers to be asked if they would be prepared to store grit and distribute when necessary.

CCC Traffic management in Cambs and SCDC- in future our contact engineer will be Karen Lunn

Street naming of development at 30 New Road –‘Watson’s Yard’ to be recommended

Parking on pavements is becoming a problem again particularly on the High St.  This causes problems for prams and wheelchairs etc.  main offenders to be written to

Adults have been seen regularly using the new play equipment which is intended for children.  This problem to be investigated.

8        County Councillors Report – a tender exercise costing £35 to £50K is being carried out in relation to the part of the district council that provides repairs and maintenance for council housing tenants.  The existing service has excellent customer feedback and earned £200K last year for the council!  The planning portal at SCAMBS has been updated, so far it is not working efficiently, any comments to Sebastian Kindersley.   The Government has withdrawn funding of £150,000) from the Sustainable Parish Energy Partnership.  Haslingfield was considering signing up for this project.  PALS is our Patient Advice and Liaison Service which provides information about local health services and support groups, and how to make an effective complaint about the NHS – 0800 0132511

9        District Councillors Report –a new Chief Executive for SCDC has been appointed, Jean Hunter.  Jean is hoping to take up duties during September.  There is expected to be a delay in the Boundary Commission looking at changing the boundary between Haslingfield and Trumpington Meadows.  There is concern about the estimated number of vehicles using the Addenbrookes access road when it opens.  Originally this was 17.5K per day, this has now risen to 22K per day, which could lead to a build up of traffic on the A10.  A group of councillors and service heads, plus business reps are meeting in private under the name of ‘Making Cambridgeshire Count’ rather than publically as ‘Cambridgeshire Together’.  A meeting of the Joint Accountability committee will meet in September to sort out the matter, so that meetings are held in public and are subject to public scrutiny.

10   Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment  –  Strimmer and other small equipment belonging to HPC has now been returned by Pat Fullick to the Clerk.  With Pat’s departure the village will be short of a Tree Warden.  Anyone with a good knowledge of trees wishing to volunteer for this post should contact the Clerk.

 B – Pavilion  – no meeting

 11      Correspondence

Meeting procedures for Parish Councils – extract from legal document received from CPALC

Dancing for fun and better health, press release from Living sport – send to Paul Brammer

Mobile library changes – visits to Haslingfield will be monthly instead of fortnightly from October 2010 with no stop at Wisbey’s yard comments to be in by August 16th

Ian Booth who was recently elected as parish representative on the SCDC Standards committee has resigned so once again nominations are invited

The Community Right to Build poster

Sustainable Communities Act – letter to be circulated

Free cycle parking stands may be provided by CCC

12     Re-siting of Parish Notice Boards  

Awaiting response from SCDC re planning.  Commercial organisations to be requested not to use notice boards

13     Fence around Play Area – awaiting 3rd Quote

14     Report on Well in Wellhouse Meadow – the well is dangerous and no-one should attempt to descend it.  Any excavations could result in the wall collapsing.  Attempts to drain it would be futile as it would soon fill up again.

15    SCAMBS Sustainable Energy Partnership – it is likely funding will be withdrawn from this project.  An article will appear on the web site.

16    Report on Police Panel Meeting –Main points taken forward

–          tackle thefts from vehicles parked at places of recreation

–          tackle road safety issues across the panel area with a focus on supporting Speedwatch

–          reduce burglaries in Gamlingay and provide community reassurance

–          The full report will be circulated

17     Finance – Resolution to pay of outstanding accounts proposed by CK seconded by JW

Cheque now received for £11,455 from SCDC under Section 106 agreement in respect of Wisbey’s yard development

Audited Annual return received from Moore Stephens

Proposed Investment of general reserve – further quotes to be obtained

18     Date of next meeting Monday September 13th 2010.  A member of the Governing body of Addenbrookes Hospital will address the Parish Council at 7 pm

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