Agenda for Parish Council meeting 11th February


Chairman, John Wheelhouse                                                              

Elizabeth Cottage, 1 The Knapp                                                          

Haslingfield      870529                                                                       

Clerk     Janet Hendy                                                                         

Highfield Farm, School Lane

Haslingfield   870270

There will be a meeting of Haslingfield Parish Council in the Village Hall on Monday February 11th at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.  Members of the Public and Press are invited to address the Council at the Open Forum. 

The meeting will be preceded by a presentation from Michael Coles on the Warden Scheme at 7pm


1         Apologies for absence

2         Members Declaration of interest for items on the agenda

3         Open Forum for Public Participation

      4         To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of January 14th 2013

5                  Matters to be reported from these minutes

  1. Local Plan I & O Consultation 2 response (to be circulated for adoption)
  2. Trumpington Meadows Community Governance Review application to SCDC (to be circulated for adoption)
  3. Budget 2013/14 (to be circulated for adoption)
  4. Miscellaneous

6                  Confirmation of decisions made since last meeting

7                  Additional matters for discussion

Broad Lane signage (to be circulated for adoption)

County Councillors Report   

10         District Councillors Report                                        

    11         Committee and Other Meeting Reports

a    Environment

b    Pavilion

c    Highway Safety measures

c    Allotments

d    Trumpington Meadows

e    Play Area

f     Website

12                  Correspondence

13                  Planning applications and decisions–Tree work Application 9691, 1 The Knapp

– S/0157/13/LB – Alterations to 6 Church Way   

14                  Finance

15                  Resolution to pay outstanding accounts

                  Salaries – Clerk, Roy Brown, Alan Stevens                    

     Date of next meeting Monday March 11th 2013 in the Pavilion at 7.30pm

     Janet Hendy  Parish Clerk  

     3rd February 2013

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