Have you registered for the Connecting Cambridgeshire Campaign? You can help to bring better connectivity to our area and it only takes a minute to sign up with your postcode and telephone number.
Your support will help to bring fast, reliable broadband access to Cambridgeshire and will make a big difference.
Connecting Cambridgeshire has been launched to provide access to superfast broadband to at least 90% of homes and businesses across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and better broadband connections for all other premises by 2015.
But we cannot do it without you. It is important for all Haslingfield residents to register for superfast broadband before December 2012. We need residents, businesses, parishes, and community groups across Cambridgeshire to show suppliers where there is most demand for broadband.
The more registrations we get, the more likely we are to get the investment needed to install better broadband connections for everybody – increasing a typical 2 Mbps connection up to as much as 25 Mbps! So, why not do your bit so that more people can benefit from better broadband and enjoy the Haslingfield Village website at lightning speeds!
My superfast broadband connection was completed yesterday – the 3rd in the village. I’ve not seen any announcements anywhere that it is actually available – just happened to make a random check on the BT website and applied via that about 2 weeks ago.
Interesting as I requested for BT infinity & was informed that currently it cannot be setup in the locality due to a non optic fibre exchange.
What BT call “BT Infinity” may not be available to all of us. I had to choose something called “Faster Broadband” which will not be as fast as Infinity due to (I’m told) the longer length of the copper cable from the cabinet to the house. Speeds of this are estimated to be 13-20Mb for my street.