Parish Council Minutes 17th October



Minutes of meeting held on Monday October 17th  2012

 Before the meeting a minutes silence was observed in memory of Olga Murkin


Present –Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Rebecca Ridley, Roger Scott, Wendy Timbs , Ron van der Hoorn, John Wheelhouse

 County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley was in attendance

        There were 2 members of the public present

     1      Apologies for absence –Christine Kipping, John Offord and  Robin Page

2      Members Declaration of Interest – None


    3      Open Forum – Graham Kipping and Peter Swayne gave a report on the future of the Connections Bus.  A plan will be presented to the Parish Council at the next meeting

4     Minutes of meeting held on September 10th were agreed and signed with RS amendment


5    Matters to be reported from these minutes – Insurance claim now paid.  Land owned by SCDC at the entrance to Wisbey’s Yard is not for sale, the trees recently planted have been removed.  Gates at the entrances to the recreation ground have been installed, and a new boiler in the village hall.

      30 mph stickers have been distributed to Barton Road, Harston Road and some houses around the school.  Thanks to Ray Jack.  Registrations for Superspeed Broadband have increased considerably, 55% of residents have now signed up.   It was suggested that publicity for superfast broadband could take place at the school gate, playschool and the luncheon club.  Jane Horwood is prepared to help

      The Railway bridge on Barton Road opened on September 18th with traffic lights.  This was the predicted date

      An ambulance was seen trying to obtain access down Broad Lane.  Clearer signage is to be requested


6            Confirmation of decisions made since last meeting – None


7            Planning  -–S/1930/12/FL – 71 New Road, new dwelling – No Comments

Request to plant an oak tree on the recreation ground – this is being referred to the Tree Officer at SCDC

Tree work at 8 Church Way No comment


Permission given by SCDC for

a)       extension (revised design-part retrospective) 18 and 18A Fountain Lane

b)      variation of condition 2 of S/0230/12 for replacement dwelling and garage at Cantelupe Farm

c)      details of reserved matters for the formation of a country park at Trumpington Meadows Response from SCDC – if permission is granted for change of use of buildings at Grove farm, this would not set a development precedent


8            Emergency Plan – a cascading chart was circulated showing a breakdown of the emergency team.  A meeting will be held of this team in early November


9            Additional Matters for discussion  –  Slabs or rubber under the seats at the play area.  We have an offer of free rubber slabs which will need inspecting  JO

Toddler slide and canopy above the slide have been vandalised. A quantity of glass was found    near the slide on Sunday evening. This has been reported to the police.

 Breakdown of quote for skatepark repairs to be discussed with Roy Brown

Memorial to Olga – this to on the agenda for November

Winter Gritting Volunteers are being advertised for

A planning contravention notice has been served on Mr Jefford following dumping of waste material at a site on Chapel Hill.

RR had given  a presentation to CCC about the provision of a dual purpose footpath/cycleway alongside the railway bridge on Barton Road.  So far this is not being considered.


10        County Councillors Report – Discussions are under wayin to the possibility of building200 new and 200 replacement houses over the next 10 years in SCAMBS.  Congratulations to Gamlingay Nursery and Barrington School for obtaining Good in their recent OFSTED reports.  CEMEX will be arranging local consultations and exhibitions in order to engage the community in the future plans for the site.  The 50% rail discount is in place again for students living and attending any school in Cambridgeshire. State or independent. 

Contact the Parish Clerk for details

SCDC has produced a short and simple guide to their accounts for year ending 31/3/12   This can be viewed on the web site, orhard copies are available

SCDC has reaffirmed its commitment to being a green council.  The council believes economic development must be encouraged and sustained through its promotion of and commitment to, adaptation to low carbon living.  Some residents in Sheltered housing feel unsafe or inadequately supported and can be left alone for up to 4 days without seeing any visitor.  This is obviously unsatisfactory, and as a community we should be thinking about how we can resolve this situation.  Members were encouraged to attend a meeting on November 7th about Cambridge Future Transport – WT, LH, JH and possibly RR will attend


11      District Councillors Report – None


12      Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment  – No Meeting RR reported sowing of flower seed on Wellhouse meadow is about to go ahead


B – Pavilion  –  Solar panels should be installed by the end of October.  Newly installed boiler is working well.  Prices are being obtained for kick wall and refurbishment of toilets


C – Allotments – J Spain will be retiring as secretary in November.  The three people on the waiting list should be able to be accommodated in the New Year.  Water rate due for the summer was only £4.04 due to the high level of rainfall


D – Trumpington Meadows – No report


E – Play Area – Vandalism reported.  CCTV cameras to be considered


13    Correspondence  – TM  Local Centre Working Group representative – this is not a committee, but a

            one off meeting – no representative to be appointed


    Meetings – 18th October Police Forum at Gamlingay Eco Hub 7.30pm

                          7th November – Cambridge Future transport 0- Gam EH

                        12th November – 1-3.30pm community Networking event at Gamlingay Eco Hub


14      Neighbourhood Plan – a comprehensive report prepared by RS was discussed.  It was decided

to delay this until a later date when the council is back to full strength.  The latest census      figures will be available in 2013 which may give useful information.  WT to contact Martin Heazell re footpath plan

15       Review of traffic and parking  problems in the village  – this had been prepared by RS and previously circulated, it was decided to hold a public meeting in early December to gauge the feelings of residents.  Reduction of speed limits and various traffic calming measures were discussed


16    Community Governance  –  the future governance of Trumpington Meadows was discussed at

length with opinions divided.  A meeting is to be sought with officers at SCAMBS.  A decision  has to be made before the Trumpington Meadows Community Agreement is signed and the next precept request is submitted


17  Newsletter for December C & V – articles to be prepared by JW, RR, JS, RvH


15    Finance – New cheque signatories have now been agreed with Barclays

     Precept money received – £31,451

 Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by WT seconded by  RS

Date of next meeting Monday November 12th 2012 at 7.30 pm in the Pavilion.

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