For more information on how you can enter, see below:
11am, 15th September 2012
Well House Meadow
Entrance Fee: £2 per entry, or £5 for 3 entries per dog.
Exhibitors name:
Dogs name:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Categories entered- please tick:
Pedigree Classes
( ) Class 1: Any variety Puppy (6-12 months)
( ) Class 2: Any variety Sporting Dogs
( ) Class 3: Any Variety non- Sporting
Novelty Classes
( ) Class 5: Dog in the best condition
( ) Class 6: Best Child Handler under 10 years
( ) Class 7: Best Child Handler over 10 years
( ) Class 8: Best veteran (over 6 years)
( ) Class 9: Best Rescue Dog
( ) Class 10: Dog with the Waggiest Tail
( ) Class 11: Dog that looks most like their owner
( ) Class 12: Dog the Judge would most like to take home
Please deliver or email completed form to 33, High Street,Haslingfield, Cambridge CB23 1JW and arrive at 10.30 to pay fees or come along to register at 10am on the morning of the 15th September- this allows time for processing before
judging starts at 11am.