Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 13th August



Minutes of meeting held on Monday August 13th 2012


Present –Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Ray Jack, Olga Murkin, Roger Scott, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse    

    There was one member of the public present

 1     Apologies for absence – Christine Kipping,Rebecca Ridley, John Offord, Ron Van der Hoorn, Robin Page,

 2      Members Declaration of Interest – non

    3      Open Forum – Dr Armit from 38 High St explained his reasons for wishing to purchase a strip of land in Wisbey’s Yard

   4     Minutes of meeting held on July 9th were agreed and signed  

 5    Matters to be reported from these minutes – Insurance claim not paid yet.  A bollard to be erected at the skate park entrance to prevent parking there.  The contractors working on the railway bridge are having problems with drivers insisting on using the bridge whilst work is taking place.  Diversion signs are being moved and drivers are assuming nothing is happening when men are working under the bridge.  Highways to be informed of this.

 6            Confirmation of decisions made since last meeting – additional work at Play area has been done.  Emergency repairs carried out to Zip wire in play area due to injury caused by stops being moved.

 7            Election of Vice Chairman – Roger Scott was proposed by JW and seconded by WT  agreed nem con

 8      Proposed Community Stadium Trumpington Meadows – the petition was delivered to        Mandela House on July 24th with 456 signatures

 9      SCAMBS Issues and Options Consultation Document – a working party to be set up to prepare a response from Haslingfield before the next HPC Meeting.  The Clerk to arrange a meeting for 20th/21st August.

 10        Planning  -– S/1521/12/VC – Variation of condition 2 of previous application to allow for two  

        additional dormers in the south elevation, Cantelupe Farmhouse – agreed

    S/1604/1112/VC – Variation of condition 4 of previous planning application to agree alternative

    soft landscaping scheme – agreed

    C/11/40/045 – tree work at Cameo Cottage, School Lane – agreed

    Planning permission granted for 48 High St

 11        Additional Matters for discussion  – Quotes have been received for erection of gates on the 

        recreation ground – more information is required

             12     County Councillors Report – none

.   13     District Councillors Report –leaflet will be prepared shortly urging people from all four villages

            to respond about planning proposals.  An invitation has been received from CEMEX to attend a

            meeting to discuss the future of Barrington site

    14     Committee and Working party Reports

 A – Environment  – A grant of £170 has been awarded by SCDC towards Wildflower project

       And a grant of £1,000 from CEMEX towards Environment Committee wildlife project

 B – Pavilion  – Marjorie Richardson has joined the committee, and Alan Stevens the new

caretaker will be invited to future meetings.  108 new chairs have now arrived, 30 of the old black ones have been kept back for art and craft club and cricket club to use.  Quote for new gates passed to HPC for action.  The surplus on last year’s lettings is £705.  A grant of £1K has been received by Haslingfield Colts towards new goal posts and £300 from Haslingfield Charities.  HPC will provide an additional £1K.  Quotes are being obtained for a kick wall and outdoor table tennis table, also refurbishment of the toilets.  PB would like a meeting with HPC to clarify agreed funding

     C – Allotments – no report

 D – Trumpington Meadows – no report

 E – Skate Park – Clever Curves (the installers) have been asked to inspect ramps and report on

      any work required to restore them

 F – Trumpington Meadows Public Art Meeting – ‘United Visual Artists’ has been appointed by

       the committee for the execution of art work at the school and community area

 16    Correspondence  – Permission granted for 6/17th Cambridge Scouts Group Bonfire party on Saturday November 3rd

Proposed Water Main Renewal, New Road, Haslingfield – work starting early September 2012 for 20 weeks.  Householders will receivenoticeof any planned interruptions to water supply

Brian Gott suggestion for landscaping entrance to Skate park, passed to environment committee

    Meetings –14th August SF Forum Sub Group meeting 1.15 – 3.00pm 

                       25th September Cambs Acre AGM 6 – 8pm, Huntingdon

 17    Request to purchase land in Wisbey’s Yard adjacent to No 39 High St – this met with approval by 5 votes with 2 against subject to the area being suitably landscaped

 18    Emergency Plan for Haslingfield has been prepared by RS – this was considered to be an excellent plan and it’s approval was proposed by WT seconded by JC.  Volunteers with particular skills are required to be part of the team under RS leadership.  RS to take this forward

     19    Code of Conduct (Revised) – Register of Interest forms to be returned

 20    Request for reduction in speed limit to 40mph on Haslingfield to Harlton Rd – this was  

        supported by HPC and a joint application would be submitted

 21    General Power of Competance – summary to be circulated

 21    Minor Highways Improvement Bid – this has been unsuccessful, JC and RS to investigate   other solutions

 22    Finance – Investment of General Reserve – Secure Trust Bank was selected offering 4.01%    over a 3 year period

Section 106 Payment in respect of 15 Back Lane Haslingfield £2,365.43

External Audit completed satisfactorily –noticeto be displayed

Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by WT seconded by RJ

Date of next meeting Monday September 10th 2012 at 7.30 pm in the Pavilion.


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