Saturday 17th November
Haslingfield Methodist Church
11.00am to 2.30pm

Do you have a favourite registered charity?
Would you like to promote the charity, and raise money for it?
You are invited to have a table (no charge!) and join with other registered charities to make this an enjoyable and worthwhile event.

Please apply for a Booking Form from either Liz Heazell (870289) or Christine Kipping (870227) before 3rd November.  Places will be allocated on a “first come first served” basis

There will be more details later

2 thoughts on “CHARITY FAIR”

  1. We moved into Field Cottage, Harston Road in May 2011, I write to raise my concern at the reckless speeds many drivers take the bend just prior to the 30 MPH on the Harston Road leading into Haslingfield.

    Today whilst turning right into our drive I narrowly missed a head on collision, firstly driving at 30 MPH on blind bend is dangerous, secondly having timed vehicles on this bend I have calculated some vehicles travelling in excess of 45 MPH.

    What action can be taken? It is clearly impossible to enforce the speed limit and therefore traffic calming must be considered, speed would enforce the speed limit and will be economical to install.

    My fears other than personal injury is if a collision occurs the other party will insist I pulled in front of them and caused the incident.

    I look forward to your comments,

    Kind regards

    Richard Ward

  2. Hi Richard, Thanks for your insights.

    Speeding is a hot topic at the moment and the Parish Council are currently debating speed limits in the village. Harlton and Barton are are also reducing speed limits. There will be a public meeting about speed limit reviews and traffic calming in December.

    I am confident that the Parish Council would be happy to listen to your experiences and suggestions. Why not pop along to the next Parish Council meeting (Monday 12th November – usually on the 2nd Monday of every month) at the village hall.

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