Jubilee Brass Band Concert

Fresh from their success in Paris, City of Cambridge Brass Band performs in the great arena of Haslingfield’s medieval parish church to celebrate the 2012 Jubilee.  Wednesday 6th June at 8.00 pm.

Tickets from The Village Shop or on the door.
Adults £10,  School Age £5.

Refreshments available in the interval.

Info:  01223 871002  




One thought on “Jubilee Brass Band Concert”

  1. Good morning, or perhaps ‘bonjour’.
    It would seem the ‘entente cordiale’ flourishes with the success of the Cambridge
    Brass Band in Paris. A concert in the church where I was christened as a follow up,
    something to be enjoyed. The French love their music. Here in the southwest where
    I now live, villages have bands that relish playing in traditional style. Particularly so when supporting the local rugby team!
    To add to the French connection on the website I’ve sent to Messrs Harrold and Gott a page from the ‘Cambridge News’ refering to Haslingfield. Visitors are always made very welcome.
    With best wishes for the diamond jubilee.
    Neville James Cole

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