No Space at the Allotments

The village’s Allotment Group, HAGA, say all their plots are taken and they have four people on their waiting list. All this and more was discussed at the association’s recent committee meeting. The minutes of the meeting are below…


Minutes of committee meeting held on Monday 30 April 2012

In attendance: Jon Spain, Ron Van Der Hoorn, Rebecca Korb, Dick Kingshott, Rod Journeaux, Fae Southwell and Nick Tudor. Christine Kipping.

Apologies for absence: none

Minutes of Last meeting. Agreed.

Treasurer’s report. Current balance:  £1,153.54.  Expenditure:  wheelbarrows £75.96; Ground Rent (from manure cash) £5. Water rates £46.26. Manure – payment to Mr Segrave £20. Income: manure money – £8. Rent £8.50.  (Treasurer to ask for reimbursement of postage andPO handling fee (£1.36) for unstamped latter from Janet Hendy when he attends next PC meeting.) Purchase of new notice board, letter box and sundry materials. Committee agreed to go ahead. Estimated cost £150.

Secretary’s Report.  Occupier’s Liability notices had been put up at two entrances to the site. Notices also put up re storage of new wheelbarrows. Entrance area to site has been levelled and cleared by Mr Mills and Mr Segrave. New grass had been sown. Mr Mills may take down the remaining elder bushes/trees. Site Risk Assessment 2012, carried out by Secretary and Chairman. Copy given to Christine for PC. Summary findings: much as before. Special attention must now be given to water storage units to make sure the platforms on which they had been raised do not rot. Remedial work to be carried out during the winter when empty or before if required. All committee members asked to keep an eye open for any problems and report. Footpaths in some places were too narrow. Tenants encouraged not to use glass on their plots. Secretary to post a summary sheet on notice board and email tenants.

New Tenants/Waiting List. Helmut Segelke/Judith Arnold have taken plot 4. Current waiting list:   (4) – Sophie Whiffen, Stephen Richardson, both of Haslingfield; Zafer Boz of Harston and  Rachel Jonhston, Harston Mill site.

Site Development.  Sunday 13 May (1-3pm) is date of the next working party to fill in ruts on perimeter track with rubble and clear remaining rubbish in ditch. Fae to clear ditch –  going beyond the site towards the river. Nick to clear away rusty brazier and cut back brambles according to Beki’s instructions. Rod to re-site his fencing to allow farm vehicles passage along perimeter track.

AOB.  Beki Korb /seed purchasing scheme: Take up had failed to materialize possibly due to late start of the scheme. We would publicize it in December this year and see what response we get.

Next meeting: Monday August 6th.

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