Minutes of HPC meeting held on Monday June 14th 2010

Present –Christine Kipping, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Marjorie Richardson,  David Slight, Angela Taylor, Wendy Timbs, John Wheelhouse.

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

There were 2 members of the public present

1 Apologies for absence – Lucian Hatfield

2      Members Declaration of Interest – none

3 Open Forum – two representatives from the tennis club were present and informed the council that it is their plan to replace all the tennis club fencing in the near future, but it was not seen as their responsibility to carry out repairs to the fence at the moment.

4      Minutes of meeting held on May 10th were agreed and signed

5 Matters to be reported from these minutes – none

6      Damage to Tennis Court Fencing – Standing orders were suspended whilst a visit to the Tennis Court took place. It was agreed that the council would extend the perimeter fence of the play area alongside the tennis court fence – JO to investigte

7      Planning – applications and decisions

S/0799/10/F –erection of bungalow following demolition of existing, 29 Barton Rd – recommended

Permission granted by SCDC for Equestrian Riding Arena/Manege, land to the east of Lesanna Farm. Cantelupe Rd.  Permission for porch at 24 Fountain Lane and re roofing of garages at 40 and 42 Broad Lane.  Permission for erection of dwelling and garage following demolition of existing bungalow 62 High St.

Pumping Station at Trumpington Meadows has been agreed

Permission has been granted for demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1200 homes at Trumpington Meadows. Various conditions have to be met before detailed planning applications come forward, information has been received on ‘Youth and Play Strategy’ and may be inspected on SCDC web site.  Comments to be in by 18th June.  A planning application has also been received for phase 1 of the infrastructure provision for Trumpington Meadows comments in by 24th June

8 Additional Matters for discussion – a request for the waste bin outside the school to be replaced with one with a lid, and a notice saying no dog waste

RoSPA report on Play area and Skatepark shows only minor problems in Play Area and Skatepark, but requests that a compound be erected for all mowing and other equipment kept on the recreation ground.

A letter to be sent to Margaret Houghton congratulating her on receiving the MBE

9 County Councillors Report – no financial commitments are being made until after the budget, but there will certainly be serious financial cuts followed by two difficult years.  A new secondary school is definitely needed at Cambourne.  The cost would be £26m.  The day centre at Toft is closing in order to provide more accommodation for beds for residential use.  SK is campaigning for more day centres to accommodate local needs.  CCC have produced a report proposing to reduce the speed limit on the A603 to 50mph.  The environment agency have announced reduced maintenance levels.  Regional targets have been removed for the number of houses to be built, targets are now to be set at local levels.  A Government policy on planning is awaited.

10 District Councillors Report –.the bus service in Haslingfield seems to have improved slightly, but The Eversdens are suffering from a very infrequent service.  The lack of carding and planning notices has been brought to the attention of SCDC planning services.  This is happening due to a reorganisation but should shortly be rectified.  In future a monthly report on SCDC activities will be prepared and circulated by the group of Lib Dem councillors.  If SCDC decided to buy all the stock of council houses from the Government, it would necessitate borrowing money to do so; but over a period of 30 years SCDC would be £312m better off because there would be no annual payment to the Government of a percentage of rents received.

11   Committee and Working Party Reports

A – Environment –  Ivy on Wellhouse Meadow wall to be cut soon

Deep Water signs to be erected this week in Wellhouse Meadow

Grass cutting contractor to be asked to cut path around Millenium pond-MH to provide sketch of the area.

B – Pavilion – No meeting

12        Correspondence – Haslingfield Little Theatre has been awarded another NODA (National Operatic & Dramatic Association) certificate for best pantomime in the district for the production of ‘The Babes in the Wood’, November 2009

Sure Start Children’s centres will be holding a play session in Haslingfield on Thursday August 12th 1.30-3pm

University of Cambridge – one day workshop on North West Cambridge Development on 29th June at Murray Edwards College on Huntingdon Rd

NHS – meet the Governors of Addenbrookes Hospital – request attendance at a PC meeting

Telephone Kiosk – David Bevan at SCDC explaining that SCDC have a revised approach to the removal of telephone kiosks and are now considering sponsorship for local councils to keep kiosks in use and provide a local service.  No action needed by HPC

Request from various village organisations for assistance with funding for the replacement of Village Storage Shed – this to be considered when prices and planning permission are obtained.

Voting for P C representative on Standards Board Committee favoured Dave Kelleway

13        Re-siting of Parish Notice Boards – a quote to be obtained for a new lockable notice board to go alongside the existing one near the red telephone box

14       Annual Footpath Inspection results – all now completed

15       Development 30 New Road – several suggestions for names had been received, those shortlisted are ‘May’s Mead’ and ‘Watson’s Yard’

16       SCDC Community Pride and Village Hero Awards – c/f to July Meeting

17        Finance – Resolution to pay of outstanding accounts proposed by  JO seconded by OM

Claim to Insurance Company for repairs to Village Hall door and window following break in received £ 652.00

Date of next meeting Monday July 12th 2010

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