Agenda for Parish Council Meeting 12th March

There will be a meeting of Haslingfield Parish Council at Haslingfield Pavilion on Monday March 12th 2012 at 7.30 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.  Members of the Public and Press are invited to address the Council at the Open Forum.


  1       Apologies for absence

  2       Members Declaration of interest for items on the agenda

  3       Open Forum for Public Participation             

        4       To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of February 13th 2012

  5       Matters to be reported from these minutes                       

  6       Planning applications and decisions –

S/0410/12/FL – Remedial works to Haslingfield Railway Bridge

  7       Additional matters for discussion

  8      County Councillors Report

  9       District Councillors Report                                        

10       Committee and Working Party Reports

a    Environment –

b    Pavilion –

c    Allotments

11      Correspondence –

12      Chapel Hill

13      Emergency Plan  

14      Election May 2nd 2012

15      Report on Southern Fringe workshop for children 2.3.12

16      Horse Riding along public footpath

17      White lines on road

18      Funding for local requests

19      Investment of General Fund

20      Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts

             Salaries – Clerk, Roy Brown,

     Date of next meeting Wednesday April 11th 2012 in the Methodist Chapel


Janet Hendy 

Parish Clerk   March 6th 2012

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