Parish Council meeting Monday February 13th 2012

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday February 13th 2012


Minutes of meeting held on Monday February 13th 2012


Present –Marjorie Richardson (in the chair),  David Blake, Lucian Hatfield, Martin Heazell, Ray Jack, Christine Kipping, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District CouncillorLiz Heazelland County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

        There were no members of the public present

 A presentation by Lawrence Green from SCDC on setting up an emergency plan preceded the meeting.  This will be added to the agenda for the March meeting


1      Apologies for absence – none

       2      Members Declaration of Interest – JO declared an interest in the laying of paving slabs at the Village Hall

        3      Open Forum – no comments

       4      Update on Trumpington Meadows – John Pym reported

  • building work on the school has not yet started,
  • the road through to Anstey Hall is due to be completed in April
  • Meeting scheduled for April to discuss Community Access Agreement and Principle Agreement, and shared use of school and community
  • Monthly meetings are now taking place between the developers Grosvenor, and Barretts
  • A response is awaited from CCC on funding for the proposed cycleway/footpath between Haslingfield and Trumpington
  • Grosvenor are going out to the market again in the summer, so are not necessarily using Barretts for phase 2 of the housing
  • It has been suggested that a recycling centre is sited at TM
  • TRA have suggested that surrounding villages get together and draw up a plan of action against the proposed football stadium etc on the green belt area of TM

 It was agreed by 9 votes with 2 abstentions that Haslingfield Parish Council wishes JW to approach neighbouring parishes to discuss an approach to Grosvenor

 5    Minutes of meeting held on January 9th were agreed and signed with one amendment  – that the sunken area is outside the Chapel gates and not the Manor gates, prop by JW seconded by WT

     6        Matters to be reported from these minutes – all problems with roads, manhole covers etc were reported to Highways again.  There is no funding available for the manhole covers in New Road, all requests for pot hole work have been passed to the engineers and will be done asap.  The area outside the Chapel Gates has not yet been inspected

Horse riding on footpath nearSidneygardens – footpaths officer from CCC to meet with MH and the Clerk to discuss

Application form for election to Parish Council cannot be displayed on the website. Applications need to be with SCDC by 4th April.  The Clerk to write an article for C & V inviting applications

No update on the railway bridge between Barton and Haslingfield

JO to investigate original plans for15 New Road, MR will then write to Jean Hunter CEO at SCDC

 7        Planning – Permission granted by SCDC for  – S/2390/11 erection of detached garage, 4 River Lane , S/1806/11 – erection of a pair of semi detached houses, 26 New Road,  S/2543/11 Extension to 12 Trinity Close –

Appeal by Mrs C French against refusal of planning permission for alterations to6 Church Way                                           

8        Additional Matters for discussion  –  L Hatfield requested more action to be taken in providing flashing speed restriction signs inBarton Road.  The 30mph signs recently distributed for sticking on dustbins are sliding off.  SCDC are aware of this, and are looking to provide alternatives.

It was proposed by MR and seconded by MH, that each child at the school (150) be given a present    to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, this was carried unanimously.  WT to


 9    County Councillors Report – the bus project set up by CCC (with no consultation) with the first

service between Sawston and Duxford has cost the tax payer £120K so far with another £40K         committed.  Only one passenger has travelled on it 3 times between Sawston and Duxford.  In the meantime residents face losing their services!  You are urged to sign the petition against bus cuts

High Speed Broadband – project officers advise that in March a formal demand registration process will start that will include direct community engagement via Parish Councils, then with representative stake holders they will identify and prioritise where influences and interventions in the market should take place to bring the benefits of broadband.  Direct contact with BT or other providers can only add to the pressure.

Street parties for the Jubilee – please ring 01223 507176 for guidance

Oil Club – bulk buying heating oil saves you cash.  You get a discounted rate on your oil and a donation is paid to charity from Agricole, based on a percentage of orders placed over the course of the year.

A website offering help and advice to disabled people with a range of day to day needs is now available with information localised for people living in Cambridgeshire – contact

AgeUKshopping service is available for residents over 60 who are unable to, or may have difficulty in doing their shopping.  Enquiries to 01354 696650

An extra £90m to be spent on highways over the next 5 years.  It was confirmed that the increase in council tax does not include an increase for the Police Authority.  Many posts have been cut at CCC and 154 more are to be dispensed with

 10     District Councillors Report –

Supporting People grant and Sheltered Housing

Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) administers the Supporting People (SP) grant for those in sheltered housing across the five Cambridgeshire Districts. South Cambs (SCDC)  andCambridgeCityhave retained their housing stock whereas housing in the other three authorities is run by Housing Associations.  All were warned that the Government Supporting People Grant  would be cut by about  a third, and efficiency savings must be  made. However, CCC said  that the support grant would be cut from just under £14 per week to £9 p.w. per dwelling.  A group of councillors at SCDC assisted officers in the restructuring of the service; surprisingly, over 50% of survey returns showed that residents did not want warden visits. In future, visits will be made to those in assessed SP need only. Residents will still have their Helpline service as now. We have tried to make the service as helpful as we can. In future, some officers will only do visits whilst others fulfil other duties.

 11     Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment  – 3 Japanese cherry trees have been donated by Mr and Mrs Hughes at the Manor.  One is to be planted at the school, one in the Chapel grounds and it is suggested that one is planted in the corner of the dog free zone of the Wellhouse Meadow.

Cemex report – the demand for cement has dropped by 25% since 2006/7, production at CEMEX is expected to reduce for 2012/13.  The site is to remain mothballed, and CEMEX are now looking into decommissioning theBarringtonsite.  The core strategy of the Minerals and Waste Plan has been adopted by CCC.  The site specific application for Barrington Quarry was approved by an inspector.  In future planning, specified areas of mineral will be safeguarded for later extraction.

The railway line could be operational by mid 2012, CEMEX were unsuccessful in winning the contract for removal of waste from the Crossrail project.

B – Pavilion  – 3 quotes have now been received for relaying the slabs outside the front of the Village Centre –The contract was awarded to Playground Services for £6392, 8 votes for with 2 abstentions.  Trees are to be pruned near entrance to Village Hall.  Various proposals were discussed for updating toilets, changing rooms and the kitchen.  A replacement boiler was also discussed.  JO to come up with a proposal.  A new caretaker has been appointed for the hall,

 Dan Fairley of Chestnut Close

C – Allotments – application for a grant from the SCDC Community Chest to clear waste area has been submitted. Two people are now on the waiting list.  Current balance is £1267.                       3 wheelbarrows are to be purchased.  It is proposed to erect signs at the main entrance warning visitors of potential hazards.  CK to request that the wording is checked by the insurance company.  Tree stumps are to be removed and a working party will meet on February 25th.


12            Correspondence – none

 Dates of next meetings –

                   Wednesday 22nd February – Parish Planning Forum 6pm at Cambourne  – JW to attend

 Thursday 23rd February – promoting Parish paths Over Community Centre all day  – no interest

 Friday March 2nd – Southern Fringe invite to children, young people and families workshop 11-2pmTrumpingtonVillage hall – CK and MR

 Wednesday 28th March – Spring meeting of Age UK at Imperial War Museum Duxford, 10 -12 subject – ‘Assistive Technology’ – no interest

 Thursday 29th March –  Invite for two people to attend the next Parish Council Liaison meeting from 7.00 – 8.30pm at Cambourne  – WT and RJ

 13            Grass Cutting Contract – 7 sets of details were sent out, 4 companies have submitted a tender

The contract was awarded to our existing contractor C G M Landcapes £3,417 + VAT per annum

 14            South Cambs Art Award –  Cheryl Lowry was proposed by JO seconded by WT.  Diana Offord to be invited to write a supporting case.

 16      Investment of General Fund – c/f to March meeting

   19       Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by JO seconded by OM

 Date of next meeting Monday March 12th 2012 at 7pm.  The meeting will be preceded by a presentation by Jo Mills and colleagues from SCDC
















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