Allotments Going from Strength to Strength

The Haslingfield Allotment group (HAGA) has reported to its AGM that all its plots are currently occupied. Their next meeting is on Monday 6th February 2012, more details in the calender here 

Find out more by reading the minutes of its Annual General Meeting that was held at the village’s Little Rose pub on Monday 5th December below…






Jon Spain, Ron Van Der Hoorn, Christine Kipping, Nick Tudor, Gary Salmons, Elizabeth Richardson, Rebecca Korb, Rod Journeaux and Hywel Jones.

Apologies for absence: Dick Kingshott, Fae Southwell

Minutes of previous AGM: accepted.

Secretary’s Report:  It was noted that this had been a year of departures and new arrivals. George Wootton has given up his plot – he was one of the founding tenants back in 1980. We hope to see George visit the site whenever he feels like coming down. Penny Jenyon, also a long standing tenant and stalwart of the committee has left – relocating to Shropshire. Lisa Smith has also left and we must also note the passing of Dawn Owen, after a  short illness in the early Summer. Penny looked after her plot for the remainder of the year. Last year saw the arrival of half a dozen new tenants  who have all shown great enthusiasm in getting there plots into good productive order. This year three more new tenants have joined us. This means with a total of 33 tenants with just under a third have joined in the last year. We now have 20 from Haslingfield, 7 from Harston, 4 from Harlton and one each from Shepreth and Orwell. All available plots are now occupied. Elizabeth Richardson will swap plot 5 for plot 10 (George’s old plot) so as to have her 2 plots together. Plot 5 will be offered to a couple on the waiting list in the late winter. There is one other person on the waiting list, Ami Gibson from Haslingfield.

Some key points were raised: the need for better water conservation and not topping up the tanks to the brim at the end of summer, which leads to waste. A maximum line will be drawn on the tanks.
Compost bays – need for better practice in placing waste on tops of the heaps and sorting out combustible material for the bonfire. The manure club was going
Regarding the constitution of the committee – we need more Haslingfield residents to come forward and join – anyone interested to contact the Secretary.

Treasurer’s Report: Summary Balance Sheet Dec 2010-Dec 2011

Balance carried forward: £1,308.89


Interest:                                   £0.47

Rent                                    £592.30

Manure Club surplus               £1.40

Mowing Part refund             £20.00

Total Income:                    £614.17


Insurance:                            £164.50

Ground rent:                           £5.00

Nat Soc affiliations               £68.00

Water Rates:                         £82.53

Mowing party:                    £120.00

Total Expenditure:            £440.03

(Surplus of current income over current expenditure £174.03)

Current Balance:                 £1,483.03


The treasurer drew attention to the increase in water rates. See note above on measures to conserve.

Manure club Summary Balance sheet 2010-2011:

Total income                        £91.40

Total Expenditure               £90.00

Balance                                   £1.40


Election of New Committee:

Chair: Dick Kingshott: nom: J. Spain, sec. Ron van Der Hoorn

Secretary: Jon Spain: nom, Ron, sec. Elizabeth R.

Treasurer: Ron Van Der Hoorn: nom. Beki Korb, sec. Nick Tudor

Committee: the following persons were elected: Rebecca Korb, Nick Tudor, Rod Journeaux, Fae Southwell to be co-opted? We have three persons resident in Haslingfield but are looking for more to cover for absences.

Site Development – the year ahead:

Rear of site: Ron to discuss with Mr Grain possibility of him helping to clear rear of site. Further consideration to be given to putting pigs at the rear to clear plots over a three year cycle. Rod Journeaux and Hywell Jones have expressed interest. To be taken forward by the new committee.

Composition of Summer mowing party: Linda (front parking area), Dick (green roadway to rear), Jon (main pathway into site between plots 2/3 and
corner area, Nick (pathway between 5/6, Hywell (roadway by side of meadow from turning bay to top with strimmer), Ron (middle roadway and area around his plots).

Special responsibilities: Beki – to keep pruned back the bushes by the ditch along side of road from entrance to water tap. Rod Journeaux – to keep corner
turning area by his plot in good order and side lane to rear pruned back. Sam Bowden – to keep hedges along roadway by meadow pruned back and reduce height. Gary – to prune back brambles along edge of his plot and vicinity.

Other tenants are asked to volunteer for similar duties near to their plots.

Beki will be delivering surplus pig manure to the usual site at the turning bay. This will be charged at the usual rate of 30 pence a barrow load. It was agreed Ron will purchase three wheelbarrows for communal use, spending up to £100. The newly grassed area at the entrance will be partly used for supplies of chipping and other materials. Deposits to be made at front, leaving grass area behind. Elizabeth made the point that in future the PC should consult us when carrying out tree surgery. The last time this was done along the road was lopsided – with only branches on the allotment site being taken out. Matters for the coming year –plans for a summer BBQ and the village fete – to be taken up by new committee.


Dates of committee meetings: 6 Feb, 30 April, 6 Aug, 29 Oct. AGM 3 Dec.

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