Minutes of Parish Council meeting 8th September


Minutes of meeting held on Monday September 8th 2014

Present – Bob Branch, Trina Backhurst, Tony Adcock, Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Jenny Jullien, Ron van der Hoorn, Christine Kipping, Sue Watson and Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance. There were nine members of the public present, together with Paul Nelson, a representative of the Cambridgeshire County Council Future Transport (CFT) Team

1                   Apologies for absence – John Offord and Robin Page

2                   Declarations of interest – Trina Backhurst declared an interest in the reinvestment of bond monies from the Bank of Cyprus, as she works for N W Brown Investments. Lucian Hatfield declared an interest in the traffic calming measures.

3                   Open Forum for public participation – CFT presented a proposed new timetable offering up to nine journeys per day on the 75 bus. The first bus is planned to get people to work in the mornings and the last bus is to leave Cambridge at around 6.15pm. The timetable and linking times for the rail station and hospital were discussed and then a modified timetable was produced. This will be posted on village noticeboards later for further comment. This final proposal will go out to tender in October and the service will be reviewed annually.

4                   District Councillor’s Report –Robin Page sent his apologies

5                   County Councillor’s Report – Sebastian Kindersley attended a Planning Committee where it was unanimously agreed to go ahead with the Ely Southern bypass. The new road will have a slightly detrimental effect on some views of the built heritage, but it will open up the whole locality to better development of business and job prospects. The Cemex proposal for housing in Barrington is being pushed ahead, despite local opposition. Barrington Parish Council has listed some incentives for Cemex to deliver on, including 80 allotments, school facilities and safer roads. Superfast broadband boxes are now working in Haslingfield. Solar farms are being encouraged across Cambridgeshire and are proving hugely profitable. Funding for schools has increased considerably and money is also being set aside for improvements to the A428.

6                   To approve and sign the minutes of August 11th 2014 – approved and signed; JJ proposed, TA seconded

7                   Matters to be reported from these minutes – none

  • Planning Planning applications and decisions: S/1735/14/RM – Land East of the A10 Cambridge Ro, Former Bayer CropScience Site; Application for approval of reserved matters – No objections. C/11/40/045 – The Vicarage, Broad Lane; Consultation to carry out tree works subject to a preservation order – No comments. The Little Rose – It was reported that some HPC members and Keith Murray had had an informal meeting with Wrenbridge managers about their plans for the pub. The private garden has become the public garden and two new detached houses, one three and one five bedroomed are planned in the old pub garden plot. Wrenbridge have agreed to provide mains gas into the pub. They will put the proposed plans on notice boards in the Little Rose and discuss with customers.

9                   Additional matters for discussion – `Roy Brown is to be asked to remove the bush obscuring the Butler Way sign. JJ mentioned that the millennium pond is silted up, but we were advised by ecology officer not to keep digging it out. We will arrange a meeting with Clive Blower to ask his opinion. All footpaths are very overgrown, due to County Council maintenance delays. A part time job with HPC is to be advertised in the village shop for someone to maintain the footpaths for half a day a month. A quote also to be sought from CGM and others. LH to do a map.

10               Committee and Working Party Report

  1. Environment – Licence to Cultivate Lilac Close bus shelter area, and to plant trees was signed by RB, to be returned to the Council, along with £100 admin fee. TB mentioned that the Elms is looking quite scruffy with weeds and nettles on the footpaths. FL to seek quotes for regular maintenance. CGM to be reminded by FL to mow outside no. 12 – currently the work is being done by Clive Blower.
  2. Village Hall – 3 tenders for refurbishment circulated to all, 2 of the quotes being estimates. The quote from Millcam was approved – proposed by TA, Seconded by TB. The Parish Council wishes to thank Jenny Jullien for all her hard work on this topic. The work is to start in January and to be completed by the end of February, in order to avoid a clash with the Christmas pantomime. The work will be phased with one changing room and one toilet to be done at a time. RB mentioned the Badcock Memorial correspondence from 9 years ago, where it was found to have a large crack and could not be moved. We should just keep the moss off it and focus on a minimal clean up of the stone and tidy the garden area around the base. JJ suggested getting a plaque made with similar wording.
  3. Allottments – Nothing to report, apart from the shed has been painted green.
  4. Trumpington Meadows –nothing to report
  5. Play Area – The new play apparatus funded by the Freddie Gellert bequest has been installed and is a great success. FL to write to CCC saying we spent some Section 106 money on the new Spica, along with money from Freddie Gellert’s bequest.
  6. Webiste & C&V – Ron put a link on the website regarding the Parish Councillors Register of Interests to fulful obligations under the Localism Act. Superfast broadband is now available in the village.
  7. Tennis Club Planned Developments – FIT have approved the current draft lease subject to the inclusion of the operating agreement between HPC and HLTC. Copies have been delivered to the Tennis Club to sign and they will then be sent back to the solicitor for completion of the lease.
  8. Parish Emergency Plan – TA reported that after 4 months or wrangling they now have broadband installed in the Village Hall, which can be set up for meetings. It is charged at a fixed rate so can only be used minimally.
  9. Skate Park – One quote has been received for the maintenance of the area, with two more expected in September/October. Tim Austin has been asked to come back to finish flailing the surrounding area, and asked to quote for a regular maintenance plan.
  10. Traffic Calming Measures – The consultation period closed on Friday 12th September 2014. RB has received no comments to date for the introduction of phase 1. LH doesn’t think the planned chicane on Barton Rd is on the right side of the road and asked RB to write to the Council asking Skanska to put it on the other side. Deliveries to his business will be restricted due to lack of parking facilities. RB to speak to CCC and Skanska.

11               Correspondence – A letter was received from the new owners of 1 High St about the overgrown area in front, which should be maintained by the County Council. FL to write back, advising them of the requirement for a Licence to Cultivate if they wish to continue having the area as flower beds, and if not to return it to grass. Annual Return for Badcock Memorial to be done by 31st October 2014. Brand new steel columns will be installed in place of concrete ones for proposed new Street Lighting plans. TA to write an official letter to County Council objecting to the waste of money. A public meeting to be arranged by FL. An email was received from Andrew Roberts, SCC, asking about our position on Cambridge South. We agreed to certain developments (currently approved) at Trumpington Meadows only on the understanding that there was to be no more building on greenbelt land. A card to is to be sent to John Lowe, a past Chairman of the parish council, who is in Addenbrookes Hospital.

12               Council Procedures – Register of Interests – This was discussed and has been posted on the village website, in accordance with the Localism Act.

13               Bank of Cyprus Progress Report – New mandate forms have been received from the Bank of Cyprus and signed by RB & TA, and will be completed by JO on his return from holiday.

14               Status Report on HPC Service Contracts – FL to seek more tenders for grass cutting contract, due for renewal by the end of December 2014.

15               Cycle Path from Haslingfield to Grantchester – LH to speak to Richard Pemberton to ask his views on using the footpath on his drive. He is looking at all other possibilities and routes.

16               Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts. LH proposed, JO seconded.

Date of next meeting Monday 13th October 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


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