OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor the sixth year running, the sponsored walk ‘In the Steps of the Bishop’ will be taking place on Saturday 20 September.  We start off from the Chapel of Gonville & Caius College in Cambridge at 10.30 am and finish in Haslingfield Church at around 1 pm where refreshments will be available for tired and thirsty walkers. The walk is undertaken to commemorate the regular walk along the same route taken by Bishop Charles Mackenzie to help with services in Haslingfield.  He later went to Africa in the steps of David Livingstone and founded the Christian church in what is now Malawi.  All Saints Church and Haslingfield School continue to raise much needed funds for the school and church in the village of Magomero.  Go to ‘READ MORE’

McKenzie Window

Since the church is now virtually completed, we will be donating the proceeds this year to the provision of further accommodation for teachers, thus continuing the educational work which Bishop Mackenzie started
there.  Sponsorsip forms for walkers are available in All Saints’ Church and from myself.

Please note the date!

Jose Hopkins (872190)

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