Agenda for Parish Council meeting 12th May



Bob Branch – Chairman                                                                            Frances Bishop – Clerk

The Meadows                                                                                          8A Barton Road

Haslingfield   870136                                                                                          Haslingfield       874585

There is to be a meeting of Haslingfield Parish Council at the Methodist Chapel on

Monday May 12th 2014 at 7.30pm, for the purpose of transacting the following business. Members of the Public and Press are invited to address the Council at the Open Forum.


1                  Election of Chairman

2                  Election of Vice Chairman

3          Vacancy on the Council

4         Apologies for absence

5          Members Declaration of interest for items on the agenda

6          Open Forum for Public Participation

7          Planning applications and decisions: S/0771/14/FL – conversion of existing garage first floor to study/bedroom plus solar roof panels, 20 High St. S/0813/14/FL – erection of swimming pool house and tennis court hut within garden curtilage, Cantelupe Farm, Cantelupe Road. 14/0520/REM – Clay Farm development, Long Rd, Cambridge. S/0548/14/FL – Amended plans, 1 Moss Drive

8         To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of April 14th 2014

9         Matters to be reported from these minutes

10        Additional matters for discussion

11        County Councillors Report

12       District Councillors Report

13        Allocation of Councillors responsibilities for 2014-2015


  • Allotments
  • Emergency Plan
  • Environment (2)
  • Finance
  • Grass Cutting
  • Planning
  • Play Area and Skate Park
  • Police Liaison
  • Risk Assessment (2)
  • Road Safety
  • Southern Fringe Community Meetings
  • Village Hall (3)
  • Warden Scheme
  • Web Site (2)
  • Others


14       Committee and Working Party Reports

a          Environment –

b          Village Hall

c          Allotments

d         Trumpington Meadows

e          Play Area

f           Tennis Club Lease

g          Traffic Calming Measures

15   Correspondence –

16    Presentation of accounts 2013/14 to Parish Council

17     Arrangements for Annual Meeting on May 19th

18      Insurance renewal

19      Contracts to be tendered

20  Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts

Salaries –         Clerk, Roy Brown,

Date of next monthly meeting Monday June 9th 2012 in the Village Hall

Frances Bishop Parish Clerk   1st May 2014

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