Minutes of Parish Council meeting


Minutes of meeting held on Monday 10th February 2014

Present – Tony Adcock, Trina Backhurst, Bob Branch, Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Jenny Jullien, Christine Kipping, John Offord, Ron van der Hoorn, Sue Watson and Robin Page were in attendance.

There were no members of the public present

1                    Apologies for absence – Sebastian Kindersley

2                    Declarations of interest – TA re item 16

3                    Open Forum for public participation – no questions

4                    Minutes of the meeting held on January 13th were approved and signed

5                    Matters to be reported from these minutes – included in items below

6                    County Councillors Report – SK reported by email – nothing to discuss

7                    District Councillors Report –Robin Page discussed the application for housing in Bourn Airfield.    Apart from the housing provision, he was concerned that there was no apparent proper provision for surface water, which would discharge into Bourn Brook, already prone to flooding.  There are transport concerns about this ribbon development on A428, with no bus or rail services in place, and the A428 is already so congested that it is difficult to know how a possible extra 3,000 houses can be sustained. The next meeting finalising the application will be on March 15th and many members of the public are expected to attend.

8                    Planning Applications and Decisions – Reported that permission was refused for 46 Barton Rd, Single Storey Extension, Alterations and Erection of Garage and Gates.  Listed Building Consent was refused for 46 Barton Rd, Rear Extension with Internal and External Alterations.  Permission was granted for Replacement dwelling and garage at Cantelupe Farm. Permission was granted for 48 High St, Loft extension with dormer windows on front elevation.

9                    Matters for Discussion – None

10                Committee and Working Party Reports –

a)       Environment – There will be a meeting in early March regarding the clearing of the site at Wellhouse Meadow and the cutting back of ivy.

b)       Village Hall – 4 companies have been contacted for quotations for refurbishment. Additional parking for the village hall was again discussed but cannot be given proper consideration until the matter of planned floodlights for the football training ground has been resolved.

c)      Allotments – The allotments are currently waterlogged and unfit for planting out. All plots are now occupied and there is no waiting list.

d)      Trumpington Meadows – At Trumpington Meadows Barratts will have 350 house completions by June 2014. A list of street names has been submitted for consideration.

e)      Play Area – Still waterlogged and muddy but well used.

f)       Website and Church & Village – A new style, 48 hr trial version, of the Haslingfield Parish website will be online from 21st February.  All comments and suggestions welcomed. Part of the website will be password protected and reserved for the Parish Council, sharing issues such as road safety reports and the ongoing plans for the cycle pathRH to draft something for approval.

g)      Tennis Club Planned Developments – A legal document for the Tennis Club, a Draft of Lease, is to be drawn up by solicitors at the beginning of March, following 3 quotes.

h)      Parish Emergency Plan – If the Emergency Plan Team gets Broadband coverage for the Village Hall, we can get connected this year. John Miller was unable to persuade BT to make a contribution so it will have to be paid for by the Parish Council.  Draft copies of the plan to be distributed by TA.

11                Correspondence – no new issues

12                Cycle path from Grantchester to Haslingfield – The planned cycle path from Grantchester to Haslingfield will have a separate section for horses and cyclists in places, with different surfaces. A report has been submitted to the CCC Cycling Officer.  Section 106 money is to be applied for to develop the cycle path and other grant money sources approached. LH and RB to look into it.

13                Bridge between Grantchester and Trumpington – The bridge between Grantchester and Trumpington will shortly be closed to vehicles for 5 months minimum, while reconstruction is carried out. A temporary bridge for pedestrians and cyclists will be provided for the duration of the closure.

14                Park and Ride Charges from May 2014 – The proposed Park and Ride charges to be introduced in May 2014 have been disputed and a letter of complaint has been written to the County Council.  The idea of P&R is to encourage people to use buses and the charges will reduce the incentive to leave cars behind.  People who work in Cambridge will have to pay £5 per week to use the car park.

15                Report on Road Safety Initiative – in conjunction with item 17

Skanska Infrastructure Ltd to be given the job for the design stage of the traffic calming measures, which would affect Barton Road and Harston Road approaches into Haslingfield, and the area around the school.                           JO proposed, LH seconded – passed

16                Motion to appoint solicitors for planned tennis club lease – Appointment of Barr Ellison approved. Chairman and Clerk instructed to represent the Council for this matter. TA abstained from vote due to declared interest.

17                Motion to appoint Contractor for design stage of Road safety Initiative – see item 15 for decision

18                Community Governance Review of Trumpington Meadows – Tracey Mann  proposed a meeting with the village Road Safety Initiative before we organise a Public Meeting.  An evening meeting is to be arranged.

Finance – Outstanding accounts and salary cheques signed for payment:

Payments of accounts proposed by JO seconded by TA

Date of next meeting Monday 10th March 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


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