Adventures of a Village Shopkeeper


P1030566film cameraI would like to quash any rumours that I will be swapping my dazzling career as a shopkeeper for the dizzy heights and fiscally more rewarding charms of Hollywood stardom, after my left hand and three digits of the right starred opposite Neil Morrissey for the forthcoming film ‘Caffiend’ (though the cameraman assured me that a ‘full frontal’ shot would be used – a dubious honour!)

The star and the film crew descended on The Village Shop  last August to shoot a 5 minute scene (taking up 4 hours!) for the film directed by award winning (and thoughly nice bloke) Gary Walcow.   This culminated in one of our more senior customers announcing “Oh my God, I know you – I used to like you in Porridge”  Oops!  That went down like a lead zeppelin with Neil.  Anyway, it was agreat experience and we will see what happens with the finished article.  Interestingly, Michele – the Locations Manager – asked me to quote for biscuits, drinks, fruit and assorted nibbles for the crew.  It turned out later she was also costing the same articles at Tesco and very chuffed was I that she ended up buying 75% of those provisions from us.  Must be doing something right!

News for Winter
With winter snapping at our heels we will soon be offering coal and kindling, not to mention Heinz soups in price-marked tins at 95p.  Together these  should be enough to keep you warm through the dark days while saving on those energy bills.

For the festive season we will also be increasing our charitable efforts.  Plans are afoot for the Xmas Raffle – prizes to be announced shortly.  Proceeds from this will go to the Disaster Fund for the Phillipines.  Also, please spare a thought for the less fortunate among us and be aware that we are a collection point for for the excellent Food Bank; all donations will be very gratefully received.  The box fills up really quickly and we have some very generous customers.

Enough waffle for now, will write again soon

C J Arkwright



One thought on “Adventures of a Village Shopkeeper”

  1. Good to see my native village chosen for the world of cinema
    I too have experienced the shooting of a few moments of film here in France. A couple of years ago
    a film was shot entirely locally in the part of the département of Tarn which is now home. A magnificent story of father and son and the world of rugby; so important down here. The film was acclaimed as one of France’s best. As former player it was moving to be part of it.
    Moving to the collection of items for food distribution, especially for Christmas, I can send things
    that may not be easily obtained in UK, to make the season that bit special. Wines, cheeses,
    preserves, that sort of thing. Just send an email:
    Neville James Cole

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