New Vicar?

church1Vacancy for a Team Vicar in the Lordsbridge Team (including  Haslingfield)  

Several people have been asking – when are we likely to have a new vicar and how is the appointment made?

When?  The vicarage has been let, so no-one else can move in in less than about six months. It will probably take longer; we had to wait two and a half years last time.

How?  The local church has to write a profile of its church and village and say what sort of vicar they want.

The main focus of these profiles will be the people. Clearly, buildings are important, especially Grade I listed buildings, but most potential vicars are more interested in what sort of people they will meet and what expectations they have of their new vicar.

  • Will she or he be a pastor, visiting regularly, especially the sick? Will they be in the village shops and pubs and be easy to talk to?
  • Will they be able to preach in a way that holds attention and encourages people to be disciples of Jesus – and be transformed by the process?
  • Will they be gripped by the mission of the church to share the gospel with the young through to the old? Will they build a good relationship with our school?
  • Will they be concerned about the issues our village’s face, with a focus on justice and inclusiveness in our communities?
  • Will they work well with the Catholics and the Methodists? Will they have a national/international perspective?
  • Will they be a good team leader? Will the post be full or part time? How many churches will they lead……..?

The list is endless.

The profile is agreed by two representatives from each church, our Team Rector and the Archdeacon of Cambridge, and the post is advertised.  The post is that of a Team Vicar in the Lordsbridge Team which stretches across to Hardwick and Dry Drayton.

Our Team Rector, who is in overall charge of the team, reckons that the earliest we could expect a person to be in post would be midsummer. They will live in Haslingfield but could be responsible for four or more churches, so the present  team of local lay ministers and retired or extra- parochial clergy will be kept busy, whoever is appointed.

 You will be kept up to date with progress in the appointment – watch this space!

One thought on “New Vicar?”

  1. Hello there,
    I was hoping to get back in contact with Revd Michael Matthews.
    I am getting married at All Saint’s church on 2nd May 2014
    Would anyone be able to advise me of how I can get in touch with him?
    Many thanks,
    Catherine Hammill

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