Minutes of Parish Council meeting 9th September

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HASLINGFIELD  PARISH  COUNCIL

Minutes of meeting held on Monday September 9th 2013

Present –Bob Branch, Trina Backhurst, Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Jenny Jullien, John Offord, Rebecca Ridley, Ron van der Hoorn, Sue Watson.   Sebastian Kindersley was in attendance

    There were no members of the public present

1        Apologies for absence – John Pym, Christine Kipping, Tony Adcock and Robin Page

2        Open Forum – None

3        Minutes of meeting held on August 12th were agreed and signed.    

SK was in attendance at the August meeting.

 Matters to be reported from these minutes – trees etc around 12 High St need attention

Letters have been delivered to residents of New Road backing onto Wellhouse Meadow requesting no rubbish to be dumped in the meadow.  Tree reported as dangerous in Back Lane/Chestnut Close has been felled by SCDC.  Fly tipping in the paddock in Barton Rd is being handled by Environment Health SCDC.  The land belongs to the Woodland Trust.

Aboricultural Inspection –one quote has been received for this work which is for between £875 and £1200 depending on the number of trees.  Trees could also be tagged for future reference at a cost of £1 per tree.  The inspection includes a written report and a map of where the trees are.  Further quotes to be obtained. Quotes for the wet pour repair at the play area are in the region of £2K

Playground Inspection – two quotes received, £65 and £78 per quarter, the lower one to be accepted

Quotes received for tree work in WHM

4        Planning – S/1658/13/FL – single storey extension at front, 25 The Elms – recommended

Permission granted by SCDC for  S/1510/13/FL – Single storey side and rear extn with

 rear veranda 93 New Rd;  S/1155/13/FL – amendment to plans for 48 High St, loft ext with dormer

     windows; S1363/13/FL – Erection of garage 2, The Elms:  S/1341/13/FL – Two storey side extn to

32    Badcock Rd

6   Additional Matters for discussion –  Proposal for Table Tennis Table on Recreation Ground c/f to next meeting

Letter sent to Mr M Williams, 11 Cantelupe Rd re shrub cutting – not yet done

Councillors requested to report any hedges etc which are interfering with passage ways

Volunteers for snow shovelling requested.  LH to obtain quote for snow moving equipment

A request has been received from the owners of the Kebab Van to park at the top of Porkers Lane.  It was considered too dangerous to have parked vehicles on that corner.  The barrier at Butler way has still not been replaced, an alternative suggestion from Colin Stroud has been put to CCC, this is for a staggered barrier akin to the one at New Rd/Dodds Mead.

Thanks were expressed to Prue van der Hoorn and Betty Hunt for restoring the Village sign

7          County Councillors Report – Guided busway – the CCC dispute with BAM Nuttall has been settled out of court, this still leaves the tax payer with a bill of £33 million made up of legal costs and other charges.  £26 million will come from council reserves and the remainder from our own transport budget.  Complaints are being received from council tenants that housing repairs and refurbishment service is not greatCouncil tenants are advised to report any problems to SCDC.  Park and Ride charges – the CCC are trying to impose another charge for using the P & R of £1 for every car parked.  This is in addition to the bus charges.  Residents who have no choice will incur an additional cost of £5 per week to get to work.  It seems crazy that when CCC has so many initiatives and objectives to try and get people out of their cars and onto their bikes or into buses to do something which blatently goes against these worthy ideals!  CEMEX liaison group met recently, the conditions for opening the rail track have almost reached agreement.  It is likely that all landfill will come from one site.

8    District Councillors Report –  none

      9   Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment – the ‘Energy Day ‘ is going ahead on November 9th.  Volunteers needed to distribute leaflets and to train to use the thermal imaging camera.  Training to take place in the Methodist Chapel.  The hedge around 1 New Road has encroached beyond the boundary, Highways to be informed.  Rob Mungovan is purchasing more wild flower seed and poppy seed to sow on the wild flower area.

B – Village Hall – booking is now available on line.  The Tennis Club have now decided to delay construction of a third tennis court, but still wish to go ahead with floodlighting the existing courts .A legal document has been requested to give them tenure of the courts for the foreseeable future in order to assist them in getting a grant.

C   Allotments – no report

D   Trumpington Meadows  – the new school was opened on Sept 5th with 70 pupils attending

E   Play Area – all in order

F    Website – discussions are still taking place.  A meeting is to be arranged with the website

       committee, the C & V committee and HPC representatives – RvdH to arrange

      10  Correspondence  – Sylvia Armitt wishes to decorate the telephone box, it was suggested she

 writes to BT

Janet Hendy has given notice of resignation as Parish Clerk for family reasons. , The post will be

advertised shortly.

11    Cycle path from Grantchester to Haslingfield – a recent site meeting took place with Barton PC, Grantchester PC and HPC, Peter Gaskin (Footpaths Officer) and Patrick Joyce (Cycling Officer for CCC) .  Examples of possible surfaces elsewhere in the county have also been inspected, but the final decision will probably be dictated by available funds.  The process for allocating the Southern Fringe Development fund for countryside access improvements is to begin this autumn; the cycle path is expected to be the first project to be considered for funding.  SK to contact those involved in CCC.

12    Report on Road Safety Initiative – a report had been circulated by BB, and a meeting has been arranged with CCC for September 17th.  The police monitoring cameras are in place and are recording the number of vehicles entering and leaving the village and their speed.  The road safety inspection carried out on behalf of the school suggests constructing a reservation in the centre of the road opposite the entrance, but not installing flashing signs or double yellow lines.  Traffic orders have been published about the change in speed limit between Haslingfield and Harlton to 40 mph

13     Report on Local Plan response – no comments.  Report to be sent

14    Consultation on CIL – BB will draft a response and circulate it

15    CPRE – save our Countryside Charter – HPC agreed to sign up

16    Trees at The Elms – pruning of the offending trees was agreed

17    Appointment of Finance Officer – c/f to next meeting

18  Finance –  proposed payment of accounts JO seconded JC

Date of next meeting Monday October 14th at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall






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