Minutes of Parish Council meeting 20th August

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HASLINGFIELD  PARISH  COUNCIL

Minutes of meeting held on Monday August 12th 2013

Present –Tony Adcock, Bob Branch, Trina Backhurst, Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Jenny Jullien, Christine Kipping, Rebecca Ridley, Ron van der Hoorn, Sebastian Kindersley

    There were 8 members of the public present

    Tracy Mann and John Pym (SCDC) joined the meeting just before 9pm

1        Apologies for absence –John Offord and Robin Page

2        Open Forum – No comments

3        Minutes of meeting held on July 8th were agreed and signed.      Proposed CK seconded RR

4        Matters to be reported from these minutes – trees etc around 12 High St – report awaited

Income from Solar Panels – should be received shortly

Trees in Barton Road have been trimmed

Joan Hendry’s complaints about grass cutting passed to CCC, no comments received back

Letters have been delivered to residents of Dodd’s Mead backing onto Wellhouse Meadow requesting no rubbish to be dumped in the meadow.

      6     Planning –

        S/1510/13/FL – Single storey side and rear extn with rear vereanda 93 New Rd – recommended

        S/1573/13/FL – Erection of dwelling with garage and annexe, 97 New Rd-recommended

        S/1155/13/FL – amendment to plans for 48 High St, loft ext with dormer windows-recommended

        Tree work at Haslingfield Primary School-recommended

Public concern has been raised about the building of 26 New Road, this is to be referred to the Enforcement Officer at SCDC.

7        Additional Matters for discussion – Little Owls playgroup is opening in September

Unofficial ramp building has been taking place in the skate park, the police are investigating

8      County Councillors Report – Barrington Light railway is to be rebuilt to accommodate full length mainline freight trains.  Once upgraded trains will be able to access the quarry to unload the spoil.  Trumpington Meadows School has now been handed over from the developers and will be opening in September.  There will an opportunity to look round the new school between 2pm and 5pm on Wednesday September 4th.  The Constabulary would like to hear your views on the role that PCSO’s play in our community.  The survey is your opportunity to help the police.  The A14 project is all go with £50m from the Local Enterprise Partnership. £25m from CCC and upwards of £5m from SCDC with other councils meeting the shortfall.  The roll out of superfast broadband is now scheduled from December 2013 through to June 2014.  Further details will be announced at regular intervals from September 2013 as more information becomes available.  CCC is now gearing up to proceed with further consultation on the future of the bus services.  A new oral vaccine against rotavirus infection, a common cause of diarrhoea and sickness is now available for babies born on or after 1st May 2013 as part of the NHS childhood vaccination programme across Cambridgeshire.  Leaflets and flyers are available from your GP.

8        District Councillors Report – RP reported a fallen branch from an ash tree between Chestnut Close and Back Lane, and sheets of asbestos dumped in the ex gypsy field in Barton Road.  (Both have been reported)

      10   Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment – a working party has removed all visible barbed wire from the WH Meadow.  The proposed work on the large perennial area in the Meadow is in hand.  The site of the 2013 bonfire is to be seeded with poppies to be in bloom next year to commemorate the outbreak of WW1.  A working party is to be arranged to erect a fence at the North end of the moat.  The fence will follow the border of the parish land.  There has been some regrowth of ivy on the wall in Broad Lane which needs removing with a powerful trimmer.  Several diseased poplar trees in the meadow will have to be removed and destroyed.  It is hoped to prepare a land ownership map of the village in the near future.

B – Village Hall – all PAT testing has been carried out and cobwebs removed from the ceilingQuotes are being obtained for cloakroom refurbishment.  The kitchen cleanliness is being investigated


C- Allotments – no meeting

D – Trumpington Meadows  – no meeting

E – Play Area – no problems

F – Website – no meeting

G – Road Safety –a cycle path meeting is scheduled for 20th August.  Police are programming

       studies to support design work on improvements.  CCC proposes to impose a 40mph speed

       limit on Harlton Rd from a point 817m from it’s junction with Washpit Lane in an easterly

       direction for a distance of 814m

11  Correspondence  – Request from Cambridge Scout Group to use the Wellhouse meadow for a Bonfire and Firework display on 2nd November-agreed

Quote from Playground Services for repairs to wetpour edges in Play Area- £2304.  Other quotes to be obtained

Suggestion from Ros Richardson (Tree Officer SCDC)  that all trees in the village on council land should have a full arboricultural visual tree inspection to give a report of all trees and their condition with any works that need to be undertaken-quotes to be obtained

Supporting older residents during severe weather CK to take this forward to the next meeting of the Warden Scheme Trustees.

12    Community Governance Review – the proposal to change the boundary of the parish of Haslingfield in order that a new parish may be formed when sufficient residents have moved into Trumpington Meadows was agreed by HPC and is supported by SCDC. It was proposed to make the boundary line alongside the river to Hauxton Mill.  It was suggested that the half of Byron’s Pool in Haslingfield Parish should be offered to Grantcheseter Parish.  SCDC officers will progress the informal consultations with Cambridge City Council and adjacent parish council

13    Trumpington Meadows Community Access Principles Agreement and Community Access

Agreements – The Parish Council agreed to sign the agreement on the understanding that there would be no financial commitment by HPC.  This was confirmed by Tracey Mann

14    Co-option of new councillor–Sue Watson was co-opted to the Parish Council proposed RR seconded TB

15    Finance – Cheque for £100 received from Richard Pemberton as a donation from the cycle tagging scheme

Cheque for £1000 received from the estate of the late Alfred Gellert

Cheque for £800 received from Harlton Parish Council towards the cost of the Connections Bus.  This is a one off contribution

Date of next meeting Monday September 9th at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall







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