Have Your Say: Yellow Lines Around The School

The Haslingfield  Parish Council minutes  this year (available on this site) make several references to the idea of putting Yellow Lines on the road near the School.Some residents living near the School received a letter from the Parish Clerk dated 27th April 2011. This letter explained the problem as follows.

Parking near the school at peak times has become a major issue with cars parked across drives and completely blocking footpaths forcing pedestrians onto the road at times when there is heavy traffic, also the school bus is often forced to double park because cars are parked in the lay-by.

In June 2011 the PC minutes state:

13      Yellow Lines around the school – decided to defer decision until the October meeting.

Alternatives to be considered.  Notice to go in C & V and the school to be asked to request parents not to park in School Lane and to park on the village green side of the High St

Since a decision may be imminent, now seems like a good time to bring up the subject on this web site.

Do you know more about this? Do you have a view as well? If so, please add your comment(s) below anonymously or not.

7 thoughts on “Have Your Say: Yellow Lines Around The School”

  1. Ideally, Yellow Lines should not be needed in a village. There is, however, a huge problem with cars parked at certain times of the day from the School down to Stearnes Yard and beyond – especially when the cars are parked on the opposite side to the little Green. It is virtually impossible to exit Stearnes Yard without taking your life in your hands as you cannot see the cars coming from either direction until the nose of your car is well out into the road. My ‘nose’ was very nearly chopped off last Monday by a car who came pretty fast down the road. Why oh why are people parking on that side of the road anyway? And why right up to the entrance of Stearnes Yard, ignoring the Highway Code which states that you should not park close to a junction? If there are to be Yellow Lines, I hope that the Parish Council makes sure they are drawn right up to the entrance to Stearnes Yard on either side to stop people parking in such a dangerous position. Karin Faruqi

  2. May I endorse Karin’s comment? Both my wife and I have experienced the same dangerous situation on several occasions at the exit from Stearnes Yard. With cars habitually parked close to the corners it is impossible to see other cars coming (often fast) along the high street, or to be seen by them, until we are halfway across the road.

    Yellow lines down the High Street may not be necessary or desirable from the viewpoint of other residents; but could not short lines be painted at each side of the intersection for the ‘Highway Code Distance’ of 10 metres? It would be a pity to wait for a collision before taking simple preventative action.

  3. Agree with comments about parking too close to the junction but to go down the yellow line route is way too far. I am furious as i write this due to comment from a resident in Stearnes Yard. Unfortunately i have a serious progressive medical condition that is making walking more difficult and painful and means I cannot walk my son to school which I would love to do and save fuel and the aggrivation of parking. What do people expect parents to do in this village if they have to bring the children by car. Admittedly some do not need to drive and down to laziness or havent left themselves enough time, but we have to park somewhere. I do have a Blue Badge but when we get to the school the roads are normally packed and I tend to park down Stearnes Yard as I think I am off the main road out of people’s way. I am thinking of other people and trying not to block the roads, i could park right outside the school but I dont with my badge. Comment I had today was could I not park there as it was a private road and they are responsible for the upkeep. I will be finding out if that is the case and if I find out its not? If i can park on the road elsewhere I will but not in a dangerous place, unfortunately some drivers just park anywhere without thought as they are wrapped up in their own lives and ‘me’ culture. Some are parking dangerously and inconsiderately but the majority are not. I would love to park closer out of residents way but it needs the school to keep emphasizing every week through its weekly newsletter and assemblies the need to park sensibly, with thought for other road users and residents. Yellow lines is not the way for this village please. Please residents just think why some people are parking where they are. They may not have any other option and its only for 5 minutes or so in the morning and afternoon.

  4. Mr Waldock was asked to move his car as it was obstructing the pathway in Stearne’s Yard to anyone with a pram or anyone partially sighted. Poor parking in our road has caused problems on a Friday when the rubbish collection vehicle is obstructed – this is generally due to the very poor parking of a member of the school staff.

  5. Sorry cant let this go. I would like to point out, I did not move it until I had taken my son to school. Car was not obstructing the pavement to prams or partially sighted. It was not a hindrance in any way to others at the time or for the 5 minutes it was there. Not aware anyone lives in the road with young children in anycase and if cannot see a car should surely be considered blind and have a white stick or guide dog.The way I had positioned car was to allow vehicles such as rubbish collection vehicle and fire engines to get past. Considering my health condition I am mindful of not hindering others. Appears he just didnt like me parking my car in his road, but what really annoys me is, despite what he said, it appears it is not a private road after all and he is not responsible for the upkeep of it.Dont appreciate being told lets say untruths. Can understand his position of having lots of cars parked in his small close and possibly being in his way but we all have that in this village and its only for 10 minutes or so in the morning and afternoon. Shouldnt Haslingfield be a community working together and accepting of others?. On second thoughts lets have yellow lines all over the village and lets see what chaos we can have then, why should I worry about others? I will be alright.

  6. As an ex Police Officer of over 30 years, I put the point that yellow lines have no magical properties that immediately stop illegal parking but must be enforced by human assistance. Who can/will do that? .Police or Traffic Wardens are already being cut back and ‘stretched’
    Without this human assistance they are just a waste of money and yellow paint.

  7. I can concur with Mr Kipping’s comments re cars parked in Stearne’s Yard making it impossible for the bin men and the recycling truck to come into Stearne’s Yard to empty our bins. The same has happened regarding oil delivery to our property in the past. The entrance to Stearne’s Yard is not very wide and when cars are parked badly, it is difficult to get past them. I know that the cars are not parked there for very long in the mornings, but that is exactly the time when the refuse collection takes place. At least people who park there should make sure that they are not causing an obstruction. Karin Faruqi

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