Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday August 8th 2011

Present –Marjorie Richardson (In the chair), David Blake,Lucian Hatfield, Martin Heazell, Christine Kipping, Margaret Long,Olga Murkin, John Offord, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District CouncillorLiz Heazellwas in attendance

There were 3 members of the public present



1      Apologies for absence – Sebastian Kindersley


2      Members Declaration of Interest – None


    3      Open Forum – comments on planning application by applicant


   4       Update on Trumpington Meadows – statements from John Pym and Julie Eyres were read


5      Minutes of meeting held on July 11th were agreed and signed with one amendment in item 8 – should read ‘Boundary Commission’ and not ‘City’.  Minutes prop WT by seconded by CK


6    Matters to be reported from these minutes –  Barbara Clarke at SCDC agreed that the mortar being used to rebuild the vicarage wall is not lime mortar. The wall was originally part of the boundary wall of the old vicarage, and planning permission was approved in 1970 for the subdivision of the garden and the construction of the new vicarage.  As this happened before the old vicarage was listed in 1985, the wall is not cartilage listed.  Rebuilding therefore is  permitted development and SCEC have no control over the detailing or type of mortar.

Grant application for Royston & District community transport – The scheme is open to all who are unable to access conventional public transport.  Clerk to consult with other villages

Meeting with Dennis Vacher – action has been or will be taken shortly on all points raised.


 7        Planning – S/1517/11 – extension to1 Butler Way – recommended

Permission given by Secretary of State for the installing and keeping of electric lines above ground – Cantelupe Farm Solar farm

Permission given by SCDC for Extension and alterations to57 High St, The White Lodge,

and  alterations to The Old Dairy,Harston Road

Permission given by CCC for the proposed two form entry primary school at Trumpington Meadows


    8     Additional Matters for discussion

New play area inspectors have given a very comprehensive first report, and identified several problems which they say are installation defects.  These to be checked out by the firm installing the patio fencing as they are the company who installed the Play Area.

A 2’ square hole has been sawn in the small wooden ramp at the skate park to gain access into the cavity.  Quotes are being obtained for repair.  The litter bin next to the Play Area has been removed as it had rotted through.  A replacement has been requested from SCDC

Ownership of fence alongside The Manor Drive to be checked.  A large pothole on the corner in Chestnut Close needs dealing with.  Long screws in gate hinges of 3 houses in Wisbey’s Yard are creating a hazard and need dealing with (LH).  Hedging is to be planted in the autumn in front of the houses in Wisbey’s yard.  Clothing bank to be repositioned (in hand).  A tree in Back Lane is causing an obstruction, JW to check where the root is.  Agricultural machinery has been reported as driving too fast through the village – farmers to be contacted.  Chestnut trees in Village hall car park do not need trimming



9     County Councillors Report –.It is now unlikely that the part of the Trumpington Meadows development in Haslingfield Parish will be incorporated inside the City boundary.  A new review of the bus subsidies may mean that the no 75 bus will not be axed.  Consultations will take place between September and November. COPE is a self help organisation which represents and speaks up on issues affecting the over 50’s.  For more information contact David Hart on 01954 260204

       Under CCC localism policy, parish councils are expected to make a significant contribution towards ’small’ highways measures.  SCDC agree that installation of solar thermal panels on listed buildings is a good idea


10     District Councillors Report – The steps and decking in Wisbey’s Yard have now been

completed to an acceptable standard, and a hand rail installed.  The timber has been pressure    treated.  The decision as to whether to cover the steps with wire mesh is to be left to Rob Mungovan.  Communication difficulties are creating a problem for Julie Eyre in finalising arrangements for the cycle route between Haslingfield and Trumpington Meadows.  Hopefully this will be sorted soon.  In view of the decision not to review the boundaries it is felt necessary to organise a meeting with, and where funding is to come from for additional expenses incurred in the administration.  LH to arrange this.  Access for school children from Long Road end of Clay Farm to the new school at Trumpington Meadows is still under discussion.  It has been agreed by the Joint Planning Committee `that the new kitchen facilities atTrumpingtonMeadowsSchool will be made available to hirers of the community centre.


   11     Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment  – no meeting


B – Pavilion  –  work progressing on patio area


C – Allotments – no waiting list. Some rough unused plots could become available.  Dates for autumn working parties have been set.


12              Correspondence – Open Spaces society Open Day Saturday 3rd September at St Cuthbert’s

Church Hall, Wembley

Letter from Steve Edmundson concerning the finger post at the junction of New Road and the High St, this has been referred to CCC, no reply received as yet.


13              Co-option of New Parish Councillor – decision deferred until next meeting


14              Gritting of roads during the winter – inclusion of New Road to be checked


15              Polling district and Polling Place – no change


16              Grounds maintenance of District Council owned land – no change in arrangements


17              Beacon project to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – more details to be sought


18       Pre application Advice for Growth Site Projects– growth sites such as the Southern Fringe were not included in the original proposals in 2009.  With the loss of funding and increased pressure on resources this position is being reviewed – no comments


19        Memorial Seat – in memory of Joan Wooldridge,  Site on Village Green agreed


20       Notes from Police Panel meeting – items discussed affecting Haslingfield were speeding,

yellow lines around the school, possible drug trading in the village hall car park.  All these to be monitored by Police patrols


21       Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed  by JO seconded by WT



Annual meeting of Badcock TrustTrustees deferred until September meeting



Date of next meeting Monday September 12th 2011


















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