Parish Council Minutes May 9th 2011

Minutes of meeting held on Monday May 9th 2011

Present –Marjorie Richardson (In the chair), David Blake, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

There were no members of the public present


1.     Election of Chairman – Marjorie Richardson was elected, prop by JW sec. by WT 


2      Apologies for absence –Lucian Hatfield,


3      Members Declaration of Interest – ML and DB on Yellow lines around school

4      Open Forum – none 


5      Minutes of meeting held on April 11th were agreed and signed, prop by WT seconded by MH


6      Matters to be reported from these minutes – footpaths at Rectory Farm, Hauxton – LH advised that new maps showing footpaths on Rectory Farm and Beech Farm had been received.  These will be circulated

Play Area inspections quote from Digley associates monthly £20 per visit, quarterly £30 per visit

Annual £45 – this company to be checked out – they are members of the Register of Play Inspectors International (checked since meeting) JH


7            Election of Vice-Chairman – David Blake was elected, proposed by MR seconded by JO


8            Allocation of responsibilities

  • Allotments                    CK
  • Environment 2/3           MH, WT, LH?
  • Finance                          DB
  • Grass Cutting                JO
  • Planning general            JO
  • Planning TM                 JW
  • Police Liaison                MR
  • Risk Assessment      WT, JW
  • Village Hall                MR, OM
  • Warden Scheme            ML, OM, CK
  • Web site                        LH?

 9      Planning – S/0806/11 – replacement conservatory (retrospective) 16 Badcock Rd) – recommended

Permission granted by SCDC for the following – Extension and alterations at The Old Dairy, Harston Rd.  Statement from SCDC that planning permission is not required by Tim Austin for the erection of a steel clad grain store building at Lessana Farm, Cantelupe Rd

 10    Additional Matters for discussion – Risk Assessments – schedule almost complete WT

Meeting scheduled for Friday 13th Trumpington Meadows School plans – postponed.  To be rescheduled for June 13th at 6.30pm before next HPC meeting

RoSPA inspection report received showing very few minor problems on play area, and skate park

Check to be made on permissive path signs on Cantelupe Farm

Tree reported down in Broad Lane

Update on cycle path from Haslingfield to Trumpington required

Grass in Wellhouse Meadow is being cut fortnightly instead of every three weeks and is being cut too short.

Irrigators on Cantelupe Farm were incorrectly set recently causing  ‘saturating’ problems to cyclists and walkers

A visit is being planned for councillors to view the development at Trinity Farm towards the end of July.  Contracts have been signed for 6 out of the 9 private dwellings

MR had spoken to James Fisher at SCDC re Section 106 payments.  All payments agreed so far are for outdoor projects. Requests are required before agreements are reached if money for indoor projects is required.

11        County Councillors Report –. The Guided bus has been handed over to CCC.  There is still some work to be done, no definite opening date has been fixed.  CCC are considering withdrawing bus passes from use on Park and Ride buses and may not allow their use on the Guided bus.  People to be encouraged to make better use of the No 75 bus.

12        District Councillors Report – Wisbey’s Yard Pond – work carried out on decking is of a poor

standard and unfinished.  Payment to be withheld until rectified.  Rob Mungovan to be contacted     to discuss with contractors.  Some allotment land in the country may be reclaimed for housing development.  No more details at present. 


13     Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment  – a few copies of version 2 of the footpath map are available.  Suggestions for amendments welcome


B – Pavilion  – terracing at the front to be replaced on 11.5.11.  Two additional lights to be installed at the front on 25th May.  The trees on the inside of the recreation ground require trimming.  The gang mowers are to be covered with a lockable tarpaulin.

C – Allotments – no report


14              Correspondence – the suggestions for street names for Trumpington Meadows has been acknowledged and there is to be a meeting between interested parties to discuss all names submitted. 

Grass cutting on Public rights of Way, 2 cuts will take place this year and we are asked to advise CCC if a path which is normally cut has been left uncut by the end of May

Meeting on Wed 18th May at 7.30pm in the meeting room at Queen Edith’s chapel, Wulfstan Way about the future of Cambridgeshire Library Services.  Speakers will be Sir Peter Brown CCC cabinet member for communities and Christine May acting head of libraries

15              Arrangements for Annual Meeting – Jean Hunter will attend and will speak from 8.15pm. LH to advise JH of time.   Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served between the business meeting and the talk OM and WT 


16              Comments on Yellow Lines around the school – many comments have been received.  These to be sent to Karen Lunn with a covering note stating that that HPC stand by their decision to have the lines painted. 


17              Insurance renewal – a new favourable quote has been received from Zurich Insurance, saving the council £1K per annum  This to be checked by DB 

18              Annual Footpath Inspection – forms were distributed to be completed and returned at the June meeting

Footpaths 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,and 14     JO

Footpath  2                                    MR

Footpaths 9 and 10                       JW

Footpath  11                                  DS

Footpath  12                                  MR

Footpath  13                                  WT and OM

Footpath  15                                  MH

19              Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed JO by seconded by OM

The first precept payment has been received, and the payment for water rate from the Allotments society

The loan payment to the Public Works Loan Board has been paid by direct debit.  The amount now outstanding is £63,382

Date of next meeting Monday June 13th 2011

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