Parish Council Minutes for March

Minutes of meeting held on Monday March 14th 2011

Present –Marjorie Richardson (In the chair), David Blake, Martin Heazell, Christine Kipping, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, David Slight, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

There were no members of the public present

1      Apologies for absence – John Offord

 2      Members Declaration of Interest – none

3      Open Forum

         The plans for the new school at Trumpington Meadows were shown to the council, but as the plans have not been formally sent by CCC they were not voted on. 

4      Minutes of meeting held on February 14th were agreed and signed with an amendment to the name of ‘Lord Laming’ and not ‘Leeming’, prop by JW seconded by OM  

5      Matters to be reported from these minutes

        Footpaths at Rectory Farm Hauxtonstill awaiting reply from Bursar of Jesus College.  One field has been sold

        Revised Yellow line plan around the school agreed by Karen Lunn, CCC– no further information

6      Planning – Appeal by Mr and Mrs G Jennings for development of site west of Grove Farm,   Harlton – no additional comments to those sent previously

        S/0160/11/RM – Submission of reserved matters for 29 dwellings in Trumpington Meadows (Haslingfield) – circulated text agreed to be forwarded to City Planners

        S/0053/11 – Replacement dwelling and pool house, 26 New Rd – withdrawn

        S/1706/10 – internal alterations, The Manor – refused      

        S/0653/10/F – Appeal against refusal of planning permission to erect a new dwelling at 18 The Knapp – dismissed

7      Update on Trumpington Meadows

Julie Ayre presented updated plans for the proposed cycle route from Haslingfield through to Grantchester.  No final decision has yet been reached.  Another group meeting to be arranged 

8      Additional Matters for discussion

The enforcement officer has been asked to check that building work at 15 New Road is according to the plans – no report yet.  Builders at The Manor have been asked not to deposit materials and rubbish, or park on the Village Green.  Following the resignation of Pat Fullick as a Trustee of the United Charities John Offord was proposed by Wendy Timbs this was approved with one abstention.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Monday May 23rd at 7.30pm

9      County Councillors Report

Both SCDC and the County have accepted the Governments offer of a grant equivalent to a 2.5% increase in Council Tax to all councils who kept their CT at a 0% increase.  CCC have decided not to increase CT.  The impact of this is that the cuts made by the county are between £50m and £80m greater than they need be.  CCC have introduced a new interactive on-line reporting system for highway problems.  Faults are reported using a web-based mapping system, it’s progress can then be checked.   The Government in a bid to resolve public sector housing issues has agreed the imposition of a payment of £205.6m to be made on 1st April 2012.  SCDC will take on a huge debt to be paid off by tenants rents over 25 or 30 years.  Speedwatch volunteers are needed – please contact 0345 456 4564.  An additional collection round of blue bins is to be introduced as the bulk of the material being collected is greater than anticipated.  The additional income from recycled items will pay for the extra cost.  A motion put to CCC recently proposing sharing of posts with other authorities was defeated by the administration; at the same meeting a motion was carried which asked for the Council to progress a policy which would prevent the erection of wind turbines within 2km of a house.  There is evidence of foxes being poisoned locally.  This is an illegal act as well as a very inhumane one.  Any information should be reported to the police.  There will be no major reduction in funding for schools this coming year.  Schools are funded according to how many pupils they have-the reduction per pupil will be limited to 1.5%.  The money for minor capital works will be reduced by about 80% on last year’s figure.  A new ‘Pupil Premium’ for the poorest children will be implemented from April 2011.  Every school will receive £430 for each pupil registered for free school meals.  

10      District Councillors Report

A revised plan for landscaping at Wisbey’s yard is expected. The Number 75 bus is under threat in the present round of cuts.  A village survey to be conducted in May to assess the needs of a village bus service.  The list of people awaiting houses in Haslingfield already exceeds the number being built.  More land is needed to build affordable housing – Contact Liz Heazell

11   Committee and Working party Reports 

AEnvironment  – no meeting.  New Footpath map to be discussed at the next meeting

B – Pavilion  – A spec has been drawn up to replace the paved area adjacent to the recreation area.  It was agreed a fence similar to the one around the play area would be most suitable to protect the windows from footballs.  It was agreed to purchase a notice board to be erected on the car park side of the pavilion.  The paving slabs near the entrance to be re-laid.

C – Allotments – no meeting 

12     Correspondence

Removal of Glass Recycling Bin will take place at the end of April.  A textile recycling bin will replace it.  It was decided not to register the Parish Council’s interest in the CCC Highway Wardens Scheme.  A sum of £370 from SCDC Housing Services is to be lodged with the Parish Council for part payment of the work at Wisbey’s Yard which is not yet complete.

13    Governors for Trumpington Meadows School c/f pending enquiries 

14    Cantelupe Solar Farm – Community Benefits Initiative- the offer of installation of Solar panels on the village hall by Alectron Investment Ltd should they be successful in their planning application to install a Solar Farm at Cantelupe Farm was accepted.  This would be free of charge including the supply of electricity to the village hall.

15     Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts

Date of next meeting Monday April  11th 2011

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