Minutes of HPC meeting held on Monday April 12th 2010

Present –Christine Kipping, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Marjorie Richardson, David Slight, Angela Taylor, Wendy Timbs, John Wheelhouse.

District Coun. Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

There was one member of the public present

1 Apologies for absence – none

2      Members Declaration of Interest – OM declared an interest in agenda item 11 – price increase for newsletter in C & V

3 Open Forum – no items for discussion

4      Minutes of meeting held on March 8th were agreed and signed with 3 amendments of ‘Norris’ being changed to ‘Morris on page 1

5      Matters to be reported from these minutes

SCDC have offered the land behind no 43 High St to the owner of no 43 and requested him to contribute £250 towards tree planting in the new development site

6      Planning – applications and decisions

SCDC approval for – extension to 64 New Road

Erection of 15 dwellings following demolition of existing house and outbuildings, 30 New Rd

Erection of summerhouse, 22 Fountain Lane

SCDC refusal for pumping station at Trumpington Meadows

Appeal withdrawn by Mr T Austin for dwelling at Lesanna Farm

7 Additional Matters for discussion

Margaret Long has been selected to attend Buckingham Palace Garden Party. The chairman read out the list of duties which will need allocating at the May meeting, including the appointment of a new chairman and vice-chairman.  Mrs Simpkins had reported a number of vehicles driving down River Lane at night. A broken bough on Footpath no 3 was reported. It would appear that a garage conversion has taken place at no3 Cantelupe Road, this to be reported to SCDC.  Another car was broken into on 12.4.10 and a handbag stolen

8 County Councillors Report – no further information on the old railway bridge between Haslingfield and Barton.  There will shortly be a meeting to discuss the number of places available at Haslingfield School.  168 thousand toads have recently been ferried by bucket across the guided busway cement wheel guides where they are becoming trapped.  It has been decided to fill these spaces with minced tyres which may be a potential fire hazard!  This is being investigated.  There are six major defects which need to be addressed one of which is that the entire Park & Ride site at St Ives which floods.  The news that Marshalls will not be moving from Cambridge Airport where 12,000 homes were to be built means that these homes have to be built elsewhere. Possibilities could be an expansion of Cambourne, Hanley Grange or additional houses at Northstowe

9 District Councillors Report – SCDC are planning to replace the ‘Best Kept Village Award’ with a ‘Local Heroes Award’, nominations to come from Parish Councils.  Following the resignation of the CEO at SCAMBS it has been suggested that there should be job sharing with another authority.  The Parish Council did not support this suggestion.  A meeting will take place shortly between LH,  SK and the proprietor of Whippet Buses to try and sort out the problems with the buses.  House owners who will have difficulty in accommodating 3 wheelie bins are asked to contact Liz Heazell. The commencement date for Northstowe is not yet known, more money is available now that it is to be an’Ecotown’.  Trumpington Meadows is one of 4 growth areas and development could be extended there

10   Committee Reports

A – Environment –  ivy on Wellhouse Meadow wall should be removed shortly.  The barbed wire in Wellhouse Meadow has now been removed, thanks were expressed to Pat Fullick, Michael Hendy and Martin Heazell.  It was felt that a replacement fence and’ Deep Water’ signs should be erected, MH to look into this.  The fence on the Wellhouse Meadow side of the Manor Drive is falling down, this to be discussed with the owner of the Manor.

B – Pavilion – the broken door to the boiler room has now been repaired.

11 Correspondence

Andrew Lansley re potholes – no action.

Karen Champion(CCC) acknowledged report of recent problems on footpath 3

CPRE have produced litter picking packs – no action

Price increase for Newsletter in C & V from £35 to £60 – accepted, proposed by MR, seconded by WT this was agreed nem con

Open Spaces proposed action plan for parliamentary candidates – no action

Pat Matthews SCDC Drainage Officer re hedgerow planting on allotments –  HPC advised that discussions are taking place with HAGA secretary

Letter from Harold Wiseman commenting on the Council Tax – Chairman to reply

12  Old Railway Bridge – no information

13    Adoption of Training Statement of Intent- proposed by MR seconded by CK voted nem con

14 Adoption of new Standing orders – proposed MR seconded MH voted nem con

15 Accident report Play Area – this was reported, entered in accident book, no action necessary

16 Items for Annual Meeting on June 2nd a speaker to be invited to talk about Trumpington Meadows

17 SCDC Gender Equality Scheme – members had responded individually

18 Green Infrastructure Document – the draft prepared by MH was agreed

19 Risk Assessments

Reminder to be sent to Paul Brammer re Pavilion inspection, also to check Public Liability for Pavilion bookings

Broken Glass in Bakehouse Windows – repaired

Wellhouse Meadow fence near Manor House- broken, to be discussed with the owner

Overhanging branches in Quarry Lane – farmer to be written to

RoSPA inspections will be carried out in April 2010

Allotment committee to carry out their own inspections

20 Co-option of new councillor to replace John Lowe – authority to advertise has been received from SCDC and adverts have been displayed

21 Re-siting of Parish Notice Boards – it was suggested that the main Parish Notice Board be moved to the site by the red telephone box, and that one be moved to another suitable site (Agenda item for May Meeting)

22 Annual footpath inspection

These were allocated as follows:

Footpaths 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8 and 14   John Offord

Footpath 2                                        Marjorie Richardson

Footpath 9 and 10                            John Wheelhouse

Footpath 11                                      David Slight

Footpath 12                                      Angela Taylor

Footpath 13                                      Wendy Timbs and Olga Murkin

Footpath 15                                      Martin Heazell

To be completed and returned at the May meeting

23 Finance – payment of outstanding accounts

24  Date of next meeting Monday May 10th 2010

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