Parish Council minutes

Minutes of meeting held on Monday October 11th 2010

Present –Christine Kipping, Lucian Hatfield, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Wendy Timbs (in the chair), John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

There was  one member of the public present

1 Apologies for absence – Marjorie Richardson and David Slight

2      Members Declaration of Interest – JO – tree work at 33 High St

3 Open Forum – the School Headmaster spoke about the problems of school parking

4     Minutes of meeting held on September 13th were agreed and signed

5      Matters to be reported from these minutes

Willow trees at the allotments have been felled,

Temporary signs have been erected at Play area and skatepark giving location details

No contact as yet with the bobby scheme by the Lunch Club

Proposals for winter gritting go before council on 27th October no reply before then

No reply yet from CPALC or Cambs acre about Village Hall security

6       Planning – applications and decisions

S/1461/10 – open carport, 14 Church St – recommended

CF/11/40/045 – tree work 33 High St – agreed

C/11/40/045 – tree work 39 Church St – agreed

Sale of land to north of Pates Close by SCDC – agreed

Information on Clay Farm

Name of Clay Farm and Glebe Farm, Trumpington– Great Kneighton

SCDC have granted permission for realignment and alterations to existing internal access road at Spring Hall Farm, Barton Road, and for extension and alterations to 12 Church St

A map showing the revised route of the footpath alongside the development at 30 New Road has been received.

7 Additional Matters for discussion – considerations for spending the Section 106 money from Wisbey’s Yard development £11K – bring to next meeting

Ideas for walks and rides in the countryside are now advertised on a section of the CCC website

The fence around the tennis court side of the play area has now been installed

Parish Council recommends voting for BT Infinity

It is hoped work will commence on the railway bridge between Haslingfield and Barton in March/April 2011 based on the box culvert option

No vote was cast in the election for a Parish Member on SCDC Standards Committee

Code of Practice on Local Authority Publicity – Folder

Gamlingay Police panel meeting takes place at Gamlingay on Wednesday October 20th at 7.30pm

8      County Councillors Report – it now appears a certain level of development is to take place at Northstowe (between 1K and 2K houses) in spite of the uncertainly of the A14 project being given the go ahead.  Collections from Blue Wheelie Bins has now started, complaints about the size of the paper caddy have already been received – remember if any recyclables do not fit in the bin they will be collected if left alongside the bin in an returnable container. Hauxton Remedial Works – assurance has been given that the site will be safe at the end.  The volatile organic compounds which residents can smell are at levels that are completely safe.  The Planning System on the SCDC website is a disaster and is still being worked on.  A new online guide ( for young people in Cambridgeshire, their parents, carers, friends and family gives advice and guidance on how to look after their emotional well-being whan times are difficult and what to do when you may need some extra help.  The Woodland Trust have recently launched an initiative to double native woodland cover under the banner ‘More Trees, More Good’. Part of this includes a mass public consultation about where more trees should be planted – a campaign called ‘My View’ see .  The Children’s Centre Home Visiting Team helps to support families experiencing all sorts of difficulties.  They have workers from a large number of organisations and a wide variety of skills. Tel 01223 471617 or .  Primary Care Trusts are to be abandoned by 2012 and doctors surgeries will organise themselves into consortia.  They will be able to commission services based upon their own patients needs.

9 District Councillors Report –.Jean Hunter the new CEO for SCDC will attend the Parish Council meeting in December 2010

The incidents of mud on the road at Wisbey’s Yard have been reported and action taken.  All deliveries will not take place from the Fountain Lane entrance to the site

The removal of the hedge and erection of a fence at 6 Church Way has been reported, this is in a conservation area  There are still ongoing problems with accessing the SCDC planning website.  these are being investigated.

10   Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment – The ecology officer for SCDC is unhappy with the new cycle routes between Haslingfield and Trumpington Meadows which have been proposed by the Parish Council.  He says one route passes a kingfisher nesting site and the other a pheasant nesting site.  This will be discussed with SCDC planners.   Rob Mungovan’s advice is being sought on creating a community orchard on the Wellhouse Meadow, grants are available from SCDC covering 50% of the cost.   At a recent liaison meeting CEMEX gave an update on their plans for restoring the site at Barrington.  Material for filling in the quarry will come from ‘Crossrail’ in London and will be mainly clay.  The train will cross three roads as before: Glebe Rd, Barrington will have old style crossing gates.  The crossings at Foxton and Chapel Hill will be left open but with warning lights and possibly be manned

B – Pavilion – No report

C – Allotments – CK had recently attended a committee meeting.  As some people are leaving the village it is likely that the waiting list for plots will soon be cleared.

11        Correspondence

AGM of CPALC on Saturday 13th November 2010 at Bluntisham Village Hall

John Wheelhouse volunteered to represent the Parish Council on a new committee being set up at

SCDC called ‘Planning and our Parishes’

12 Parking at the school – this was discussed at some length.  Unfortunately Karen Lunn from CCC had been unable to make the meeting arranged on 11.10.10 at the school at 8.30am.  It was felt her input was essential to any decision made.  So a decision was deferred until the November meeting.

As no 6 Church Way is being advertised ‘To Let’, it was suggested the owner be asked to have a condition of letting that there should be no parking on the High St.

13        Section 106 Education payment from Leach Homes – LH to have discussion with James Fisher

14 Bus Shelter cleaning Barton Road

Michael Roberts is retiring due to ill health.   Mr and Mrs Reinemann have agreed to take over the work

15       Finance – Resolution to pay of outstanding accounts proposed by JO seconded by WT. The new cheque signatories have now been approved by the bank; these are Marjorie Richardson, Margaret Long and David Slight

16 Date of next meeting Monday November 8th 2010

(Items carried forward  School Parking; Section 106 payment from Wisbey’s Yard; Investment of reserve funds)

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