Sponsored Walk from Cambridge


 All Saints’ Haslingfield has a fine memorial window to its missionary Bishop, Charles Mackenzie, who prior to his going out to Africa to help combat the slave trade and to help establish the church in what is now Malawi, walked out from Cambridge to Haslingfield on Sundays to help with services in the church.    The full story of his life can be found in the display inside the church, but there is now a link between Haslingfield and Magomero, the place where he established a base in 1861.   The Church in Haslingfield together with other parishes in the Mare Way Group has helped with renovation of the school buildings, and most recently with materials for the construction of a church building, which is nearly complete. Continue reading Sponsored Walk from Cambridge

All Saints’ Church “Goes to Hollywood”

Chris_Irina smallCambridge film maker Actors at Work Productions recently did some shooting in Haslingfield, with our 14th cent. church as the backdrop.    The actress in the photographs is Irina Mozo and the actor is Christopher Dane,  suitably attired for  a village associated with Elizabeth 1st!

More pics below

MUSIC FOR A SUMMER’S EVENING: Fairhaven Singers at All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield

Fairhaven SingersOn Saturday, 6 July at 7.30 p.m. the Fairhaven Singers, with Conductor, Ralph Woodward, will be performing at All Saints’ Church Haslingfield.
Tickets £10: 01223 872190 or from the Village Shop. Continue reading MUSIC FOR A SUMMER’S EVENING: Fairhaven Singers at All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield

Film Club

movie cameraThere will  be no film club in May 2013 because of other commitments, but I can thoroughly recommend the Haslingfield Little Theatre production  on Thursday 16th, Friday 17th and Saturday 18th of May.   The evening will consist of two very amusing plays and there will be the usual refreshment bar.  Tickets at the village shop – don’t leave it too late to buy!

The Hermitage Ensemble – All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield

Russian Music ConcertThe Hermitage Ensemble, a Russian Orthodox Male Voice Choir from St. Petersburg, will be performing at All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield on 3 May.

This will be rare opportunity to hear these five male soloists who sound like a Slavic barbershop group one minute and the massed ranks of the Red Army Choir the next. Continue reading The Hermitage Ensemble – All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield

Carol Singing around Haslingfield – This Friday

xmascarolsThe annual carol singing around Haslingfield will take place this Friday 21 December. All members of the village community are warmly encouraged to come and join friends from the Methodist and Parish Churches to spread some Christmas cheer and enjoy singing favourite carols. Continue reading Carol Singing around Haslingfield – This Friday

Music in Quiet Places

7:30-9.45pm, 19 October 2012, All Saints Church

Music in Quiet Places, a new and popular concert series, returns to All Saints’ Church this autumn. A young contemporary folk group, Tir Eolas will play inspired arrangements of traditional material including Irish, Swedish, Breton, Canadian, as well as their own lively folk-influenced pieces. The band is percussionist Ruairi Glasheen on bodhran, Pip Mercer on vocals and flute, guitarist Laura Snowden and violist Georgie Harris.

To learn more and to book, please visit www.cambridgesummermusic.com.

‘Faith to Live By’ Services

A series of special services to explore what Christianity means in practice. 

All meetings will be at 6.30pm  on Sunday once per month at the Methodist Church.  Their format will vary, but will usually include a presentation by an invited speaker, followed by informal discussion and refreshments.  Everyone welcome.

Continue reading ‘Faith to Live By’ Services